None for me for the last three days, I've also noticed that the challenges of other players which would give you a hand switch, a lollipop and then a saucer are also gone.
In MY opinion they've not only RUINED this game, but they've become increasingly GREEDY TURDS. They'd rather buy lives, bars, boosters etc etc. NOT ME. Sick of it all!
I would love to add you but I play on my PC and I can't find you to add you????
That's because they've become nothing but greedy TURDS and all they want you to do is BUY lives, gold bars, etc, etc. NOT ME. They've RUINED this once fun game!
That's what I'm doing once I run out of the 5 daily lives I ask for lives, click check all, again there's easily gotta be well over 100 friends on my list probably more. I did that 3 times last night and tonight when I go to my lives how many did I get (3) that's it. I'm down to only 16 lives TOTAL. Something is not right.
Too small to see, the more you guys change things the WORSE they are. You have RUINED this game with your greed and changes. SEE YA!
Yeah I've "always" gotten the gold bars even if I didn't compete the event in the allotted time. Maybe it was a glitch, but this was the first time that I didn't get them.
Unfortunately you 100% correct, they started when they limited our lives, I had over 900 lives and had to use them all. It's sad, Im dumping the game as well.
You guys just keep making changes that are RUINING this game. First the ridiculous 20 limit lives crap and NOW the New Chocolate Box, See Ya later I don't have time to play a game that is now RUINED! BLOCKING THE GAME!
This is by FAR the STUPIDIEST AND GREEDIEST move by limited only 20 lives a day in Candy Crush, I'm sitting on over 900 lives and I just got 30 minutes of free boosters that now have gone to WASTE since I've pasted my allotted amount of daily lives. I'm DUMPING this game if it's not changed back within a week.