I did not make it in this round. As I had lost my episode race (I have it back now) I did not want to waste my gold to get through levels.
Yes, I had this weird glowing candy in my game today gave me a headache. It does not seem to do anything, but it is very off putting. I play on Windows 10 Computer.
Thanks to everyone for their comments, ❤️ I got my episode race back today. No faces for the other avatars but at least I now have it back. 😀
Thanks, you can tell I am not very computer literate. 😀
Thanks, qukkc I do not know if the game was updated or not? I noticed my episode race disappeared halfway through a race it was there one game and then gone when I stared the next one. I do not think my game is through an app I log in through my King account. is that an app, I am not sure.
Can anybody help me with this question? Why did my episode race disappear in my game? I do not have an earlier screenshot, because I did not think that the race would disappear halfway through my game. At 7514 it was in the corner I was coming first than by 7515 it was gone. I finished the race, don't know if I won or not…
I log in through King account, I don't have facebook. I am still getting all the other side games just not the episode race and I can still buy the extra moves so I must have an internet connection. 😀
Good work Christine, I could get nowhere near the top player on my list. Oh well it is not over yet, but I do not think that I will catch up.😀
Hello Christine, I agree with you about social media platforms. I have never had them for the same reasons that you mentioned no Privacy. I also use to like Pacman but if I remember correctly, I think I preferred Space Invaders, as you said Pacman as well as space invaders are a bit like Candy Crush. I will keep going…
Hello @cookiemae, I get the new player card, and I also play on windows, so it cannot be because you play on windows that you are not getting this new invasion policy. I also agree with everything the above player are saying about it being nobody else business about logging in colour bombs our win streak or where we…