Unless king gives away gold bars as some kind of promotion, you cannot get gold bars for free, you have to purchase them if you want to buy boosters. Or you can continue playing the game for free :) I can't buy more gold bars becuz i don't have more money...( I should i have 20$ ?? )
Hi Sandra! Nice to meet you. In this game i'm lvl 109. Between levels 110 and 111 is a "Road Block" you need to ask friends or to buy instant acces. If this answer works,please click on "Solved". Have luck! ;-)
If your package has dispareed,please contact King to this problem or an hacker steals your gold bars! Please follow this link:
Here its a "Road Block" between 2 episodes.To unlock the next episode,please buy an instant acces or ask friends to unlock the next episode! It's the fast mode to unlock an episode!
To complete this level,you need first to buy 3 Mesh Masters(if you have 50 or more gold bars)and before purcashe you can start the level. First:use the Mesh Master to the meshed area,and delete more block to activate the Colummn Blaster! It's very simple!
Hi! To destroy this pesky statues you need to explode some peppers of another colour. I'm on level 26...( I'm at this level for some reason??? F***! )