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peonyblue Newbie


  • You're right. You don't have to play these games. Might I suggest a hobby that doesn't make you sound like an entitled brat?
  • No rush at all -- there are much bigger things in this world to worry about these days. :) Do let me know if you need any more info or anything. (p.s. Mine, too! We used to have giant peony bushes outside my grandmother's house and I used to bring her bouquets of her own the armful. :D)
  • Hi @debrichmond -- apparently I can't message you because I'm not a level 2 yet? :D I just downloaded the app to see if that'd fix it, but I've been playing on the Facebook interface. It doesn't seem to have a version number. I'm on a Mac, running the most recent O/S. My ID is 1028233883. (I think if you direct message me,…
  • This EXACT same thing (the 12 bars freeze) has happened to me. The third time was today. And before y'all tell me to go report it to support, I tried that three times, too, and it's giving me the "oops, your request could not be sent" message, and didn't go through, either. I know it's just a few dollars, but it's really…

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