BubbleGum Troll Event
Hello, The above-mentioned is not working right for me. I opened the game this evening and it showed 125 points. I played a BubbleGum level and passed it but it never added the points. It is still at 125 points. How am I supposed to help my team? Unfortunately I did not take a screenshot of the level because I did not…
Level 1653
Hello, Can someone please look into the above-mentioned level and show me how it can be completed? I am so frustrated because it is just impossible. I have tried numerous times, lost many lives and cannot afford to spend money on gold bars for extra moves. Here are screenshots: Thank you.
Level 1466
Can someone please look into the number of moves and revise it? It is a classic level, starts with 21 moves and 2 wrapped candies. The board is very restricted because it is covered by licorice and blockers. I have lost countless lives and cannot afford to use the boosters to complete the level. It would take a lot of…
Sending Lives
Please reinstate the name of the players who send lives. They used to appear next to the avatar in the inbox but after an update the names got removed. It would be nice to know who sent them in order to reciprocate. Thank you.
This is the situation I encountered not once but twice. I was playing levels to complete the three quests. I was required to finish two levels with three stars (Overachiever) on one of them and had accomplished one level with three stars. I opened the quest "page" to check out the rewards and was going to close it by…
Not receiving my rewards or coins for completing my quests
I had completed a quest that required me to finish 3 levels with 3 or more moves left and the prize was 2 gloves. I clicked on "claim prize" and nothing happened. Please see screenshot. I should have 21 gloves instead of 19. Thank you.
Attention: Elsa
Hi Elsa, Please refer to subject "Level 3479". I am not sure how the new layout is set up to work. I sent you a message on 1-29-19 under the old thread because I did not want to start a new one and am wondering if you received it. How are you? I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, great Christmas and good New Year. It has…
Sugar Drops
I was playing new Sugar Drops levels this morning and only needed 6 to make it to the last and final marker of 180. I completed level 2602 successfully, earning 7, and the next level popped up with the Sugar Drops display box on the leader board showing 1/24 greyed out. I was not given the option of claiming any rewards…
Level 3479
I posted the above-mentioned with a screenshot and Laura Grosvenor was kind enough to respond that she would pass this on to the moderator. This was 3 months ago and I have yet to receive a courtesy reply from a moderator to date. It is baffling!
Level 3577 - Wow!
There are no words to describe this insane level. It was not even classified as a hard level when I played it yesterday. On this level alone with moves reduced from 23 to 18 I lost 5 color bombs, 5 striped/wrapped candies, 5 jelly fish, 4 hand switches and 2 lollipop hammers just to complete it. It was a surprise to see…