Are they cheating?
The player ahead of me on Sams sweet streak was at 225 then they suddenly jumped to 431. How can that happen? Anyone else seen this happen?
How do you deal with hackers and cheats?
The player ahead of me on Sams sweet streak was at 225 then they suddenly jumped to 431. How is that possible?
Game freezes when the chest is full
During the birthday event when the chest is full ie 35/35 the game freezes and no levels or challenges can be played. This can only be temporarily fixed by uninstalling and losing progress in challenges etc. Please fix and provide good compensation.
Daily bonus is messed up
What is going on with the daily bonus. If you check your records you will see that I play daily multiple times yet the daily bonus keeps resetting.
Accidental gold purchase.
Why doesn’t King add a confirmation button before purchasing gold ? I have accidentally hit the purchase gold a few times now and it’s really annoying
How long to wait for lives to refresh
Why is the wait for lives to refresh over 2700 minutes ?
Game hack for Pet Rescue Saga
There is a player in my group that is scoring over 440,000 points on levels. Where can we find this game hack?