New Sweet Cinema 4x4
Sweet cinema now has 16 boxes including 7 x (2 color bomb, 2 wrapped/striped, 2 coconut, 2 hands, 1 hammer/lollipop). . The odds are not that different, but only 1 hammer??? Who needs more coconut wheels? Now if you get a hammer early on, you might need to watch ads for half an hour or longer to get another hammer ☹️ Why…
No more score visible while playing game
Am i the only one annoyed with not seeing the score anymore during game play … and not knowing what the target score is for the next star/sugar stars? (Mobile, Ipad) I used to play old levels to get 3 stars and/or sugar stars. And at times use a booster to get there, or beat the current #1. There might be already a…
Why are players’ pictures/avatars sometimes not visible? (Candy Crush)
Some players’ pictures/avatars are visible while others show no picture but a turning circle (but they are visible at other times). Seems to happen with the sam players. Some are always visible, some not. Does this indicate something? It doesn’t seem to indicate whether they are playing. I wonder if it is useful to know…