How many levels are in Candy Crush Saga now?
How many levels are in Candy Crush Saga now? And those who complete all levels do they receive some kind of appreciation gift?
61 Help Your Friend Messages and Not a Single Gift
I have multiple "Help Your Friend" Messages (more than 61) with a life request. That could be OK, but help was requested by the same person - "Annette". Nothing was offered to me in exchange. Is it some kind of a glitch?!
I Can't Log In into my King Account
I play game on laptop and on Ipad. For the last two days I am not able to log in into my King Account (Ipad). The answer is "There was a connection error. Try again in a bit." Please help!
Game Server Was Down - What Happened
In my previous post I described that my game had been not connected to the server for a while. During this time I continued playing and moving from one level to another. Then I finally realized I was not connected, and received your advice to start my game on another browser. What was my amazement when I realized that at…
Game Server Is Down for More Than a Week
Hi all, Game server is down for more than a week. One can play (from a laptop) and even go from one level to another. However, there is no access to any rewards. Is it just for me?!
Just Curious
I wonder about economic side of all games of the King family. Are they profitable? How many people pay for extra moves, games and lucky candies? Does it cover expenses? Who can give us some idea about it?
Pressure Becomes Stronger
I am one of those who do not pay a cent and still managed to get to 5,000 + level. I noticed that pressure to pay becomes stronger and stronger. Just a few days ago a feature with extra moves given every 48 hours disappeared. Another feature was lost last week; now treat calendar goes from day 1 to 3 providing only single…
Not Enough Rewards
Administration gives us the description of new features. However there were much more rewards in the past. Now they want us to pay money. The game becomes pay-per-ride. I believe it is not fair. Do you agree with me?
Commercialization of the Game
The Candy Crush Saga has become a commercial project. It is now only for money. I received a message from administration that "we just have to get on with playing the game we all love with what we have at our disposal." Well, well . . .
Where Are My Sugar Drops Rewards?!
I was happily playing and have been earning Sugar Drops until last week. What happened?! I stopped getting Sugar Drops Rewards. Am I the only one?! Please advise; we need to do something about it.