Who among you is having an issue of unclaimed prize in the Winter Event blue candy collection. I made it to the top but the top climber button in the event is not functioning. Its not a network issue. Hope this is not another glitch that cant be fixed. @QueenB hoping for your kind attention on this matter. My friend…
I have been asking for lives from listed friends in the game. But eversince I played I have not received any.
Teachers play an important role in molding lives of students, who are the backbone of our society. World Teacher's Day is an opportunity to acknowledge them, recognize their rights and responsibilities. It is celebrated since 1994 to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILQ/UNESQO Recommendation…
Can you help me on how to find a link for one of @Elsa 's story. I need it for my future signature design.
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