Chek level 17019 its imposible to pass,its bad level !?
Bad level
16600 level is wrong.cant pass without help
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Help with level 16321 i stuck on this level and see on youtube its inposible to pass without help
Bad level
16321 level is bad.iin youtube players use help.not imposible win without help .corekt this level
Bad level
Check 16321 level.its imposible to win this level
16147 level is bad,something is wrong in this lewel
Chek this level its something wrong.bad level and imposible exit
Who make this levels? Edited by CM:🤨Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Check our House Rules.
15328 level is bad.
15412 bad level.was 26 moves upgrade game and now i have 20 moves.why?