Level 3
Please can you look at updating the app on Facebook. Its really outdated
I have been playing on Facebook forever and I had to reload the game and its some ancient version that does not keep info, keeps asking me to add new friends etc etc. Please please look into this
Why does my game not show prices in ZAR anymore…..only in Pounds sterling and more expensive on exchange rate???
This is a very outdated version please can it be updated ….keeps asking me to make new friends before I can play, some feature dont open properly and I have to start game again as it just hangs. Candy Royale is a pain in the neck I have to play it over and over in same half hour . I feel Im a loyal player for many years…
I really am beginning to hate this little side game, it must appear at least every 3rd or 4th game I play. Please can you turn it off ???
Why am I still shown as 3000 when Im already on 4113 ??
Can one still reset board and not lose lives??
Why are these two different versions?? Its seems that Facebook version is lagging behind with changes etc
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