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Match and win 20 Gold Bars! (FINISHED)

Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046
edited November 2019 in Support

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Bee-ware gardeners: Here's a new game for you!

Can you match each flower name in English to its botanical name?
(An example:  X.- Bellis Perennis - 0.- Common Daisy).
Please match every single pair and give us your answer in only one post. 
Our CM's will choose 5 winners randomly and these will win 20 Gold Bars for Blossom Blast Saga!!
Botanical name: 
A.- Abutilon x hybridum  
B.-Duranta erecta
C.- Dicentra spectabilis 
D.- Strelitzia 
E.- Convallaria majalis 
F.- Hibiscus syriacus

Common name (English):

1.- Bird of Paradise
2.- Lily of the Valley
3.- Bleeding Hearts
4.- Flowering maple 
5.- Rose of Sharon
6.- Golden dewdrops 

Please use the spoiler for your answer like on the picture below. Only players who use the spoiler will be eligible for the reward.

You have time to answer until  the 19th of November, 13:00 CET. 

Terms and Conditions here

Good luck!!!



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