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Oh, no! What's going on? Blossom was playing around in her garden and she lost her watering can. It's snowing outside and she has to find it before it freezes. Are you BLAWESOME enough to help Blossom bring it back to her garden?

If you use mobile, take a screenshot of the maze, use the pen/drawing feature. Once done, post your picture below. If you use a PC, open the image in
Paint and show us the way to the watering can, save it and post your picture.
Please use the spoiler to hide your answer so the other players can't see your answer. Only those who hide the answer will be counted as participants. You can see how to do it in the picture below.

And now the sweetest part of the contest! 5 winners will be chosen and each of them will win 20 Gold Bars in their Blossom Blast Saga game. You have until the 2nd January 13.00 CET to participate.
Terms and conditions here.