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Happy Birthday or Belated Birthday and Congratulations on receiving your badge.
Happy Birthday @johamilton may you enjoy this wonderful day with those who you love the most and cherish and savor each one that celebrates this special day with you, as these memories will bring you timeless moments in the year's to come. We often think back on those birthdays that have passed and remember the milestones or one's that stood out the most like when we turned 16, or 18, and so on but we need to remember everyone that was there as they truly made them great birthdays at that.
As time passes by we do remember those who are not here with us now that's when we need to remember what they said to us on each of those passed birthdays....."I love you always Happy Birthday you'll always be my baby " ....they still mean this just as you do when you say it...... you just need a reminder sometimes..... my dear sweet kind friend as you are my friend indeed.....
Happy Birthday Jo,
Your friend,