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Tina_Williams-2 Level 3

Level 4013 appears challenging fun😊


  • I really need help. Been on this level 2 days and yes ive checked apps help.. I was doing so good for a while. Levels were challenging but fun the last several are going the opposite direction and this one is mostly based on luck. Tips anyone? Level 4536. Maybe its just Covid fog. I still need some help if anyone can.…
  • I know it does when you combine it with another booster, but I thought a few more used to pop up on the board.
  • Woohoo, I beat it. 🐶
  • That's exactly what I did. Thank you Boybinary. I very sincerely appreciate it. Stay well
  • Do you realize the lives on this level dropped from 30 to 14? Why so much? I wish you would at least meet in the middle
  • Can someone please delete my account. Thank you
  • Thanks everyone. Since most of your answers are the examples same, I probably am able to find that somewhere huh? Sorry. It was late, I was tired and I couldn't find it in the actual game where I did look. Stay well.
  • Thank you very much to whoever fixed the problem. Its working now. Have a great day
  • I don't think that you are trying to find fault.I really was hoping someone could explain why the other player's score added up so fast in basically the same move. I just think there is a glitch somewhere. Maybe because my version isn't new enough, because I'm on a Kindle. I watched a lot if YouTube videos of this level.…
  • Can someone explain why when I clear 4 bombs with a color bomb/candy combo my score jumps aprox 7000. When this other person does his goes up 100,000 plus. I realize there was a striped involved and it got3 more candies and a ribbon curl, but over 100,000?? What other differences are there please. I'm just trying to…
  • Thanks everyone. My game is updated automatically. I do either use the color bombs with either a. Bomb itself or a color that matches the most bombs. I only switch with stripes or wrapped if I have to and to get rid of ribbon curls so more will drop. It just doesn't seem to be working like usual. It must just be me and It…
  • Does this mean nobody is going to check it out?
  • I received it. Thank you. I won a level I've been stuck on too. I needed it. Stay well
  • Thank you friends. I thought I was the only one who could get upset over a game. My blood pressure can't handle the stress. How do you avoid this . I know the obvious would be to quit playing. I've tried that. I do come back a little calmer though. Do you have any mind over matter techniques that you use? I am always one…
  • Its been on 7 the last couple times I emptied it. And graphics aren't changing anymore, which is the main reason why I kept emptying it. I wanted bro see what it would do. If its done. I don't want to empty it anymore. Thank you for your answers. Stay well
  • Does this mean no???
  • This level is a prime example you have to break throu ,4 rows of candy which are at least 4 layers on each candy. Plus you have the chocolate and waffles, which are a couple layers. You have to be extremely luck and get a stripe and wrapped combo or extremely extremely lucky and get a color bomb to combine or coconut…
  • I agree Crazy Cat Lad that it should get a little more challenging. But maybe not overdoing it and then taking away boosters to boot. Maybe they could add help somehow when someone had played the same level for several days. That gets boring also. Thank you for listening. Have a great day
  • Nothing went wrong with a purchase related to Candy Crush. I just have a personal issue with Amazon and will not give them another penny. I recently purchased a new tablet from another company and as soon as I set it up I will no longer be playing on my Kindle. So who gets the money when I make an in-app purchase? Does it…

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