Missed a day reset
I have 4 games i play every morning, yet sida keeps reseting itself every month or so. I know once i missed a day here or there, but i know i played yesterday and it reset this morning. No my phone did not update or reset, and only a priblem with soda.
Bakery play blocked
When I reach level 12 on the top tier of the cake my play button remains greyed out. I have tried closing and restarting the app, closing all apps and restarting my phone, making sure all updates are loaded to apps and os and nothing helps. This is the 2nd time this has occurred.
Piggy bank not emptied
I just purchased my piggy bank and got an error. My credit card was charged but the transfer of bars not made.
Wins not showing in weekly total
I just finished four levels And my tital in the weekly contest has not updated and remains at 19, where I started today.
Daily count reset once again
I play the game every calendar day yet twice in the past several weeks i start the app and get told i missed a day and my count will be reset to day one unless i pay gold bars. I did the first time but am getting tired of the extortion. If the clock is set to count by 24 hours and not calendar days please make that clear.…
Daily treat macchine resetting
It has been less than 12 hours since my last game and my treat macchine reset itself backwards, again. Why?
I just started getting a white pop-up box saying ' I am always here but you should never see me' with a close button. Anyone else seeing this?
Days played reset to 1
My game started today and reset number of continuous days played back to 1. I know I played yesterday. What is going on. Every week I seem to be experiencing some malfunction with this app.
Can't connect to store/server
For 3 days now getting error messages that can't connect to store or server. While it says everything will catch up when I reconnect today I started at day one losing 152 continuous days of play, as well as game levels unable to continue and having to close so that may game play would be registered for the next day. I lost…
Can't connect to server
First 2 days I have received the error message cannot connect to the store/server. I have been unable to access extending play on levels and having to restart. I also was u able to claim my daily prize for 2 days recei g the message don't worry everything is being g held u til contact with the server is regained. Then…