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harpua33 Level 2


  • King didn’t squeeze $20 billion from addicted players by being nice….
  • Not gone for me….that’s just manipulative developer King shows itself to be: taking it from those that want it and punishing those that don’t want it by having it pop up every few rounds.
  • I guess they are counting on players who are addicted to pay. I just play until my 5 lives are gone and am done. Not getting another cent from me thanks to the Candy Royale fiasco. Renaming my NH levels to legendary, assuming they are the same as when called NH, hasn’t (and isn’t) going to suddenly get me spending again.
  • I kid you not: Candy Royale now showing 14 levels to win for me. Hahaha…at this point, take it away, keep it…either way I’m never spending another dime on a King game.
  • The nightmarishly hard level I’ve been stuck on for days turned “legendary” today. Didn’t make it any easier to pass…still stuck.
  • I understand King will bring back the X once technology allows them to send an electroshock to select user’s fingers whenever they opt out of Candy Royale. In Kingly fashion, the feature will be tested which means some of us will get shocked while some of us will not. 
  • While closing out the game repeatedly , I just noticed CR is now NINE levels. But then I’ve seen others up to 13 on here. HAHAHAHAHAHA…..King (tm) a-holes!
  • For the first time in months, had a day with no Candy Royale pop-ups. Back in force the next day.
  • Yeah, I’m SURE the motivation is wanting players to get free gold bars. We, the players, don’t realize that it’s in our own best interest to be forced into the time waste that is CR amidst hard levels. Of course, King’s motivation is charity and not manipulating players to BUY more boosters to actually get something from…
  • Seeing posts with a new group getting the forced CR. So developers, who got confirmed feedback over a month ago, decide to double down instead of fixing this atrocious mistake. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Essentially flipping off your customers is an interesting business model.
  • So the developers, who got confirmed feedback about this weeks ago (as documented in this thread), decide to double down on this atrocity instead of fixing it? Wow. Essentially flipping off their customers is an interesting business model.
  • Every forced Candy Royale strengthens my decision to never buy anything from King again. So if they thought this would get me spending again, it has backfired. Hopefully others feel the same way.
  • .I’ll still play but won’t spend another dime on the game. Every forced Candy Royale strengthens my resolve. Thanks for saving me money, developers!
  • You are SO lucky. Love how they force some players to endure it while not even having it be an option for others.
  • Do you REALLY think there would be 13 PAGES of posts from people not seeing a big not now button? Within there are many posts that explain that only SOME players have an opt out.
  • I also hit claim for the 2 hours of unlimited lives and got NOTHING. I know it’s useless to report it as I’ll never actually get the reward but happened to me too. Then I got the required Candy Royale screen to add insult to injury. Just ended my session after that.
  • Devs have made it clear they don’t care about the feedback. Given the number of days without this being fixed, I now have no plans to EVER buy another booster/gold or any other purchase. I suggest others do the same. They clearly think that forcing people into CRwill cause them to spend money to win CR. Backfiring big time.
  • The developers freely admit they give advantages to some players and not to others. Between that and the game basically cheating all the time these days, it’s getting to be unplayable.
  • Talk about showing NO respect to your customers….treating them like lab rats (some get a terrible game experience, others get free moves!). I’ve spent a decent amount of money in the game but never again after this latest forced CR debacle that could have been ended days ago. Easier just to close out the game and come back…
  • Checked today and my account is still forced to endure Candy Royale. Hope developers take note that every day that goes by where I don’t have an X or Not Now option makes me significantly less likely to EVER give another dollar to the creators of a game where they selectively force certain customers to waste their time…

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