I have tried everything you have suggested with no success. The last two times the app would not start, goes to black screen and freezes, it worked after an update. Now it's frozen again. I you can't resolve this I will have Uninstaller all my King apps and give up. This would be sad because I have a lot of time and money invested. To recap I have turned the phone off and on, cleared the cache and cookies and updated the regularly with no luck. Help.
Here we go again... I contacted Google regarding my in app purchase not downloading and they said the payment has been processed and they have "authorized the push". They told me to contact you to get my purchase and clear the message I get when I try to make another purchase. The message I get is is purchase pending and…
I'm getting tired of this. Now you tell me I can no longer play on my phone. I was at level 850, lost everything and a lot of money. Now I'm playing on my tablet. Now I bought some gold bars and boosters for $1.99 and they won't download. I keep getting the message that I have a sale pending and I'm locked out of the play…
I did what you suggested and backed my game on my tablet to a King account. I deleted the game on my phone and reinstalled it. Updated it on my phone from the account. It worked one time and now is frozen again. My user name is my email **Removed by CM**. Thanks
I am also playing the game on my tablet with no problem. I uninstalled the game on my phone reinstalled it logged in and the game restored my play level, bug now the newly installed version won't open. New installation same problem. Any ideas.