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mfnpa Level 2


  • So ... we're just about 2 months into this "testing" which has reduced both free time from 30 minutes to 15 minutes daily and "boosters" from 2 hours to 1 hour respective. Isn't it about time to return these daily features/function to pre-"testing" conditions? I hope this topic doesn't go cold, but I notice its been about…
  • he gone!!😎
  • and now its back again ...
  • so why was the game just pulled?????
  • @Lola_Pop Thank you for responding to my inquiry above. Maybe a better way to broadcast this type of "move" (redirecting to a new or a nother thread) would cut down on the blood pressure medications? Also would allow for timelier responses so it doesn't seem that either party is left with the feeling that they are talking…
  • well ... went back to see if there had been any response to the diminished daily features reported by myself and two others ... only to find the thread had been completely removed (discussion not found). so much for open discussions
  • am not experiencing this "lightening" version of the game, but from what I'm reading it sounds an awful lot like the failed SODA CAPS restriction which was introduced on May 1st which effectively restricted you to an initial play of 5 games and then one game every 30 minutes thereafter … allegedly to not interfere with…
  • thank you for responding to my inquiry. didn't answer/address the problem, but at least posts not deleted as I thought was the case.
  • thank you for responding. only saw Lemonade Lake last weekend … successfully completed … never saw again. seems to have been replaced with Bubblegum Bridge.
  • two pages of comments removed? now what is going on
  • Also access game using desktop. Many of @ROBCamra's observations apply to my playing experience as well … have no idea of many of the topics discussed in this thread as they have never appeared during my playing experience. First saw Lemonade Lake this past weekend which seemed to offset the reduction in duration of…
  • My free play and boosters have also been reduced as cited by @ROBCamra above. I thought that longevity resulted in increased playtime, not reduction to your 8th day of consecutive logins. Started first of the month. Also experienced Kimmy's arcade for the first time EVER!. Don't see the point … reached level 10 2…
  • at least they finally reacted to my observation/feedback regarding the need to relaunch the game due to its closing once you complete level 5 and hit the collect prizes button ...
  • Maybe if the developers spent more of their time fixing what wasn't previously broken as opposed to "... working on a new and exciting event …" there would be an overall decrease in the verbal hostility expressed towards the CRs/studio/developers etc.
  • The problem with this statement is that when some/any of this small group of players attempts to provide feedback regarding what they experience during the limited timeframe provided - as opposed to complaining about the missing game - the feedback is either discarded or ignored completely. Otherwise, why would a simple…
  • Who says the studio doesn't listen to comments/observations provided by their 'customers'? On June 12th, I wrote the following: "PLEASE inform the studio that when you attempt to collect your winnings after successfully completing Level 5 that the game STILL completely closes down … as it did last Friday!!!!!" June 12 Well…
  • PLEASE inform the studio that when you attempt to collect your winnings after successfully completing Level 5 that the game STILL completely closes down … as it did last Friday!!!!!
  • Attempted to provide constructive observations/feedback to what I saw taking place with BGH during its short-lived appearance on Friday June 5th. Was basically blown off by CCSS Customer Care. Totally different feedback than that provided by Fabio from King Player Relations during early-mid May.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?