Secret door has disappeared
I have completed all levels and had been playing secret door levels. Today the door is gone, replaced by the old roadblock cone. As a result I have no games to play and Rocket Race has no games either as it seemed to be associated with the secret door games. Results for Four in a Row challenges from the secret games no…
Locking cake rewards defeats purpose of teamwork
A team works together so everyone can reap the rewards of teamwork. The locks on the rewards unless you have baked one slice runs the risk of locking team mates out of sharing team rewards. If all levels have been completed when a player enters the bakery, they will be unable to access team rewards. Terrible idea. The…
Is the weekly contest finished?
Weekly contest was working yesterday but is not even showing today. Has this contest been dropped?
Clues for Adventure are not populating
I have completed all the challenges to date. The blanks turn onto envelopes but the envelopes do not open to display the clues. First 3 weeks are complete but I can't see any of the story.
Menu shows I have 3 events but only 2 in list
Why does my menu bar indicate 3 events but only 2 events appear in the list? Also still no quests (first reported months ago) Game is up to date. Playing on Samsung S20 FE.
No new quests for months
I have not had any new quests for months on samsung galaxy s8. Game is up to date v5.82.2. Have logged in and out, cleared cache, etc. Still no quests. I play on 2 different phones. I have quests on my samsung s20 fe. Play store says everything has been fixed but this is not the case for me.
Level 4438 unwinnable
Level 4438 is a super hard level. You have 16 moves to clear 10 fireflies, 4 spiders, 16 oysters and 140 apples. Unless you want to use 10+ boosters, this game us unwinnable with only 16 moves. It is not a challenge just a blatant attempt to force players to buy additional boosters. Not the first time studio has employed…
Standard date format including year
In most cases there is no way to tell how old a post/thread is without opening individual messages. If you have a problem and look for discussion on that topic, you may find that it was discussed years ago and never resolved. Some posts labeled new are also years old. If posts were identified by date including the year the…
Why do you allow offline results to be dumped into weekly race. All participants need to start at 0
Please block the import of offline results on initial online play for weekly race. This is an unfair advantage. I could play offline for hours, storing up results then play online on Sunday night getting credit for levels passed prior to start of race because I played offline. The levels were not passed in the race period…
Level 4319 keeps freezing
This level freezes during play. Only way to fix it is to close Farm Heroes and re-open. This means you lose a life every time it happens. There have been so many issues with the game recently that it is just frustrating to try and play. No beans, no ads, no new levels, impossible super hard levels, etc. Games are supposed…