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clm Level 2


  • If the Dachs Delivery is available to you, you need to just search the team name and then join.
  • Hi, I play everyday and my team needs more players. Normally we clear at least 3-4 deliveries each event but recently a few people quit so I have spots open. Anyone is welcome to join, so feel free to come on over and play with us. 🙂
  • Hi, Yes I have a few spots open. And a new quest has just begun so if you're still interested, come join our team! And if anyone else is still looking, I'm happy to have everyone who wants to join.
  • * * Edited by CM: 😳 You seem to have missed the mark! Please let's maintain the flow of the thread - Our House Rules
  • Yes I am! I'd love to have you join if you're still interested. 😊
  • Hello all! I have a team and I need members who play. I'm level at 4749 and counting. I play everyday and am looking for people who also play regularly. I have at least 6 spots open at the moment. The team's name is 'Playing now' and I am CL the leader. Hope a few people are interested. Thanks
  • I guess this also answers my question and I won't be getting my lollipop hammers back either. I guess the game was fun enough but I'm done playing if they can't even sync an account you've been told to create for this exact purpose. 
  • So is there no way to get my lollipop hammers transferred to my new app? I have to delete my old phone but am loath to do it because of this issue. Again, any help will he much appreciated, thanks.
  • Hi and thanks for responding. Yes I just downloaded the app on my new phone. This morning my consecutive days played are back but sadly no hammers in the game. I was able to log into my account on my old phone and the hammers are still available there. I'm including a screen shot of the account on the old phone. Any idea…

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