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mackem003 Level 3


  • Yes I fully agree 100% to progress now in Candy crush you must buy boosters or gold bars. Some levels are impossible to pass as the number of moves are reduced to a number where you cannot complete the level unless you buy boosters or gold bars. The game is no longer a fun game and to start spending money to go further is…
  • Hi Yes you are correct in your calculations and unfortunately Candy Crush are making more levels similar so that you must by boosters or gold bars to progress. I've been playing this game for many years and now it's not as enjoyable as before. You must start buying or you cannot progress. Candy Crush have made the game a…
  • Hi I completely agree with you 100%. CCS is not entertaining anymore,like you said after level 9000 obviously the games get harder but CCS does not help you to reach the next level unless you use your gold bars or boosters. Come on CCS stop these blackmailing tactics and to keep your customers satisfied just help them out.…
  • Hi Rhonda Thanks for your message Yes unfortunately it is what it is. The further you go the less chance of freebies from King. They just change the rules to suit not to help the customers. Good gaming
  • Hi Alienscar & christinewupp I appreciate your input and comments. Yes it's up to the individual how many times they play and how much they want to spend. With regards to Candy Royale it's doesn't if its a special at weekends there is no way someone can complete 21 games continuously without spending money,that's my view.…
  • Hi christinewupp Thanks for your feedback. Just keep playing your game and you will soon advance daily. I'm on 8400 and play daily but not tempted to spend money. Just use my daily lives and try to to advance. Once again good gaming
  • Hi christinewupp I think you are missing my opinion I understand that King assigns players for you in Candy Royale. When you start this Candy crush game it's very easy and comfortable to do many games as the games are easy. When you start climbing to 3,000 and 5,000 it's a lot more difficult do you agree? My opinion is the…
  • Hi christinewupp Unfortunately Candy Royale is not a weekend special I've seen it everyday for a long time. My reason for saying 34 is because many players are not playing as regular before because of the game been so unexciting. You can play as many games you want if you want to spend a lot of money. Your selection in…
  • Hi It's me again Obviously people are not playing Candy crush as regularly like before. Last week the Weekly contest was won with 34 wins Previously it was over 100 Also Candy Royale now you have to win 21 games continuously to get gold bars Cone on Candy crush do something If Candy crush don't read these posts why call it…
  • Well thank you for your information That solves my problem I will delete the app now No more Candy Crush for me I can spend my money on more important things

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