Enough Candy Crush! (Edit by CM: Rude) Shall we still have to wait six months again (like past year) to see our built the bot with older levels come back ? Basta !
Hi everyone Limit to 5 was a nightmare but unlimited sugar drops came back and I’m thankful for that, I only hope that it stays that way. Built a bot is came back too but without possibility to win 10 minutes reward after passing 2 levels since loosing the game. Too bad because it was the way to have 3 color bombs at…
My fantastic five is back after updating my iPad, I’m really happy to see a new team with people who play and score. Unfortunately it doesn’t work on my iPhone, my fantastic 5 is always greyed out without counting my score when I pass a level...
Hello My F5 is greyed out too... no score when I’m playing new levels and always stuck after updating It was a great contest but as many other events it disappeared, taking off the fun of the game Where are super candy crush, blue ribbon, three stars challenge, sugar drops with normal boosters, dynamic duo...??? And now my…
Hi @RDM you’ve beaten me 😆 It takes me 9 months to reach level 5000 Now I’m waiting for new levels every week so I play less than at first but still love the game, never get tired of it. Thanks so for your post, kiss from France