More feedback about prizes rather than an idea
If it’s allowed, may I suggest getting rid of Dicey Acres and recharges as prizes please? The recharges are frustrating as a prize because if you have 1 of any booster left you get absolutely nothing. And with Dicey Acres I’m lucky if I win 1 shovel, which is as unexciting as the recharge since you can buy shovels with…
Level advice please?
Hi, can anyone give me advice on passing level 4876 please? The honeypots are a major problem. By the time they’re cleared I’m lucky if I have 2 moves left, which means it’s impossible to collect the spiders. So any tips would be hugely appreciated.
Where is my Home Screen button please?
I have just opened the app after a few months and as you can see I have no Home Screen button and I think a couple of others missing. Is this a new update issue because my app is totally up to date and so is my phone (iPhone)
Choo choo challenge
is anyone else having the choo choo challenge acting weird? I got the notification on the map this morning saying I had it but the little presents weren’t there so I looked at the events page and it says it’s completed. I haven’t completed it because it just arrived
Changing past levels
I’ve discovered some past levels have been changed since yesterday. Why do the game makers do that? I use past levels to gain boosters so I’m not a fan lol
Can the folks in charge get rid of recharging boosters as a reward in events please? If you have 1 of each booster then you get absolutely nothing, so you wasted whatever ones you used to pass it. It’s incredibly annoying. It should give you extra boosters regardless of how many you currently have.
Grand final event
Is anyone else experiencing issues or confusion with this event? I’m finding the game keeps flickering and frequently refuses to load, showing the “game has ended” screen instead, sometimes showing a “no data” bit too at the top. I’m also confused because there’s no info there showing what cropsies you’re supposed to…
Starry Night level 8: Level Impossible?
Is anyone else finding level 8 on Starry Night absolutely impossible to pass? By the time the middle section is clear, all moves are used up. I really don’t see a way to clear it without using a ton more boosters than you’ll get back even if you win the event. Does anyone have a strategy for passing it besides that? Those…
Being able to unselect boosters
Hi, Can we please have a way to deselect these boosters before a game please? Not being able to choose when you use them often wastes them on easy levels. Thanks
Disappearing events
Hi, any clues on why both the farm pass and market have disappeared from the events tab please? They had a long while left