Where are you on the Medals Level?
Where are you on the Medals Level? It would be great if all BW3S players gave a run down of the Medal's you have won and your Medal's accomplishment status. At this rate, I'll achieve all of the Medal's in 3 more years. So even as a top player I'll be playing BW3S for a while to come: 😁 Not that I need the Stardust any…
BW3S Trail Blazers - The Best Place for BW3S Strategy and Game Play
Stella_1 here... This is a place where all of us can pool our knowledge, mistakes and strategies together, so that the other players and newbies, can progress not having to make the same mistakes we did. Hopefully, this will ease the frustration factor that we all fall into and might give others some hope that BW3S is…
Stella's Trust in you, with her eyes closed, while playing a level Contest Possibility
Good morning @johamilton @PrettyBubbles @maf34100 How many players have experienced a Level where Stella closes her eyes and trusts you to win the Level? I have had that happen over 25 times in the last four months. It's a pretty amazing experience when she does that. How about a contest where, based on the number of time…
What is the Smallest Amount of Bubbles you use to complete a Level after Card 50 Level Level 980
@johamilton @PrettyBubbles @DiamondLim New Badge Contest: After Card 50, Level 980 what is the smallest amount of bubbles you use to complete a Level. Lowest Level Badge - 16 to 19 Bubbles Remaining Middle Level Badge - 12 to 15 Bubbles Remaining Highest Level Badge - 11 or less Bubbles Remaining The idea for earning these…
Pushing the edge of BW3S
Lately, I have been pushing the edge of BW3S and was wondering if anyone else is that far along:…
@PrettyBlueBird @johamilton @Diamond_Lim Just so all of you know I just received the following BW3S update from Erik in Player Support: "I am very sorry that you still see this update popup to do the update. Allow me to shed some light on what is going on. This is a visual issue that you can ignore for now as I can confirm…
Stella_1 BW3S Game play
Hello @matteo_90 Due to problems with my game freeze it will be a couple of days until I complete Cards 453 and 454. Just need to take a break from the game for a bit. Just wanted to let you know. Was also wondering how showing you my current levels with all white stars is of any benefit/value to you? Thanks, Stella_1…
Game Scoring on Leo's Cup
@PrettyBubbles @johamilton I cannot believe that someone has scored -2,066,935,252 points playing Leo's Cup in one play. The game has be hacked in order to do that. The players name is Kangal and I have a screenshot below of the scores. You may want to check this out as someone could really mess up this game play for…
Piggy Bank Badge
Piggy Bank Badge: Since we all have to progress through the Piggy Banks how about Badges for every 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. I am currently at Piggy Bank 969 so not that far away from 1000 so it is possible. Plus, it is a great recognition for those who stick with the BW3 game. Have a Steller day. Stella_1
Why can I not post to my BW3S Trail Blazers - The Best Place for BW3S Strategy and Game Play thread?
Hello Moderator's. Just trying to figure out why I cannot post to my BW3S Trail Blazers - The Best Place for BW3S Strategy and Game Play. Thanks for your help. Stella_1