Ended::🎃 Counting pumpkins gives a badge plus a surprise 🎃
Welcome Jellies 👻 As Halloween fast approaches our ghost, goblins, and witches get ready for fun 😈 Are you ready to have some Spooktacular fun? 💀 🎃 This Halloween let's count pumpkin's 🎃 Look at the picture below 👇 Get your glasses out and count the pumpkins 🎃 Please use the spoiler to put your total amount of pumpkins you…
ENDED⬆️ A High or Low score could get you some prizes⬇️
⬆️High or Low which way will you Go❓️⬇️ ⬆️Who can get the highest score playing 4 different kind of levels ❓️ ~ OR ~ Who can get the Lowest score playing 4 different kind of levels❓️⬇️ 👀 How to Play You have to play 1 of each level type 1.Jelly 2. Pufflers or Monklings 3. Cup Cake Carl, Liquorice Larry or the Jelly Queen…
ENDED 🐟️ Searching for Words could win you some Gold 🐟️
Think it is time for some fun! How about a 👓️Words to find 1, Jellylicious 2. Puffler 3. Jellycube 4. Monkey 5. Elsa 6. Colorbomb 7. Yeti 8. Fish 9. LiquoriceLink 10. Wiggling 11. CottonCloud 12. Candyvore 13. ColoringCandy 👀Easy Rules *Take a screenshot of the above and mark the words with a line. *Sign your screenshot…
ENDED 👀 Spot the Differences could get you Gold👀
Time for some easy fun after the month of Quests 💕 👀Can you spot the differences?. 👀 Rules are so easy ~ Just Spot 13 Differences 🤣🤣😁 Please post in the spoiler or if you wish, take a screenshot of the image a circle the differences. What is up for grabs 💰️6 members will be randomly picked to win 30 Gold Bars 💰️ You have…
🏅🏅 Olympics Team Tournament is now open 🏅🏅
Olympics Team Tournamet starts now❗️ 👀Please read all directions. 👀 There will be 3 members on each team. Please pick a team leader and choose a name for your team. The team leader will be the one that will speak for the 3 of you. 💥💥If your your team would like a seperate area for you to talk, please let me know and I…
Team 8
This is your private area @maf34100 , @Palash_Sarma and @moe75 Have fun 💕
Team 7
Here is your private place to talk @nekocat , @rebelchild and @sudejo Have fun 💕
Team 4
Here is your private area. @DieOmimi , @Werner_Cichy and @KellyMedew Have fun 💕
Team 6
Here is your private area @PummyRaj @JONH10 @KCullen127 Hope you have fun 💕
Team 2
Here is your private area @Racoon7 @Johan_DelaCena @kiara_wael Have fun. 🤗