Gaming Friends/Team Mates
Hi all, how do i add friend's on the game please? Ive been playing for a year or so but don't know how to add friends. T.i.a x
I have completed the level of 7411. Waiting got the badge. Happy to be part of candy saga
Happy to be part of candy saga
Level 7705
There are now 3 playing fields. Impossible to play without numerous boosters or gold.
Playing a game now means joining social media.....
Soo so not worth it anymore, NO, not FUN AT ALL ANYMORE!!!!!! NOT WORTH IT
no authorisation
When i try to buy boosters, King tells me they got no authorisation from my bank. I check the bank and my pc en everything is fine. But i still cant buy anything for King Games. Anybody out there who has the same problem?
Trouble with Level 7670
Good morning everyone. I've been on this level for 8 days now. It's only 22 moves. Blockage of everything!!! Including cotton candy you must hit 3 times to get it away. You have to make 10 monkeys. Never enough orange. If you use your boosters, they go in opposite sides never together to help you. The fish hit your…
Treasure Chase
For 2 weeks the event has not appeared in my game, I don't know if it's a study, I removed it or it will come back soon. There is still the Christmas theme of the game
what happened to Candy Crush versus friends?
Avancer plus vite
Comment avancer plus vite dans les niveaux svp?
Level 5000
can I get badges 1000-5000 by sharing this screenshot?