So what is the definition of butterflies?
Jenny wonders how she can define butterflies after reading all of this. “Butterflies are live symbols of freedom and beauty,” Jenny thinks to herself. “They symbolize change and the positive outcomes that can occur.” Time to finish reading the article. ‘You’re ambitious - In school, people described you as the person who’d…
Jenny learns all about butterflies and what they symbolize
Bright and early on a Wednesday morning Jenny wakes up with the sun shining in her face. She picks up her phone to see the time and then jumps out of bed. “Oh my goodness, it’s late,” exclaims Jenny. “I am supposed to meet up with my uncle and he must be wondering where I am.” She jumps into the shower and gets dressed…
Oh no he ate too much chocolate again!
She finally meets up with Yeti and finds him fast asleep. Guess he ate too much chocolate again! “Uncle Yeti, wake up,” exclaims Jenny. “Why did you eat so much chocolate? You know what that does to you!” Yeti wakes up startled and jumps to his feet. “What happened?” Yeti says. “What’s going on?” Jenny just shakes her head…
Jenny remembers when Tiffi told her about Yeti falling asleep on the Toffee Tower
As they begin to take a walk through the Cotton Candy Clouds, Jenny recalls the time that Tiffi told her about her uncle falling asleep on the Toffee Tower….. …. Tiffi had been flying in her hot air balloon when she saw Yeti sleeping on the Toffee Tower in Candy Town. She wasn’t surprised that he fell asleep because he…
Jenny sees more fairies and butterflies
Jenny finishes eating and wakes up Yeti. He apologizes for falling asleep and quickly has his drink. Jenny pays for the food and they walk aside. It’s a beautiful sunny day. Not too hot so it’s a good day to take a walk in the cotton candy clouds. Yeti sees a handful of candy crush floating in the clouds. He picks them up…
Time to do some googling
When Jenny gets home she opens up her laptop to see what she can find about fairies and butterflies. Nothing comes up so she has to try something else in the search engine. She isn’t quite sure what to put in her Google search but she types in “butterflies”. Aha some results! “Ooh… those butterflies are really pretty,”…
Butterfly Symbolism
Aha! Jenny thinks that she finally found something interesting to read. Jenny’s phone rings and it’s Tiffi calling. “Hi Tiffi, sorry that I didn’t get back to you,” says Jenny. “I was so fascinated with the fairy and the butterfly. Later on, when I was with my uncle we saw two fairies with butterflies resting on their…
Butterfly Symbolism in Different Cultures
Jenny gets very excited when she finds an article about the butterfly symbolism in different cultures. Before she begins to read it, she decides to get a nice cold drink and a snack. She looks at the time on her phone and she has an hour before she has to get dinner going for her and her uncle. 'Butterflies are among the…
Jenny continues reading the article
‘Butterflies in Celtic Culture, Symbol of the soul, God’s fire, and ascension to heaven - In Celtic cultures, butterflies are associated with resurrection, joy, honor, and wealth. In the 1600’s, Irish rulers banned the hunting of white butterflies, as they were believed to be carriers of souls. In some Irish beliefs,…
Jenny eats quickly so she can continue her googling
A half hour later dinner is ready so the two of them sit down to eat. Jenny can’t wait to tell her uncle about all the information that she found online about butterflies. But before she does that she wants to finish reading the article so she eats quickly and asks Yeti if she can be excused to go back to her laptop. She…