Why are the lives my friends are sending me on facebook gone when I try to use them?
My friends will send me request for lives and send me lives to help me out but when I click on my mailbox the request and lives are gone. That is not fair at all. Are you all trying to make us pay for additional lives or what?!?!
How to delete my account from King community.com?
I wanna delete my account ,so how do I do so?
Help me with level 2589 (CCJS)
I need help on this level. I have tried watching video, using full boosters and without them..I still can't complete this level. Stuck for days and it really get me frustrated and stress. The fishes is bias toward Jelly Queen and this is too hard for me.
Where did Leaderboard go?
More than one year and I haven't seen it after I beat opponents' score? Why did you erase it?
Level 3658
Wait for a new shine in this (Edit by CM: Rude) level. ⏰
Level 2173
Is there any technical issues? To me, it seems near impossible unless it has a color bomb and/or coloring candy cannon on the bottom left spot.
Level 2174
The pink stuff on the bottom boards of the 2nd section that has mostly fish under it needs to be replaced by color bombs or coloring candies. Having trouble passing this level. I’ve watched 3 available no booster videos, didn’t help much
Level 3652?
😭 Won’t let me play!
Fish target glitch in all Puffler Levels
I need Jelly Team to explain about this abnormal circumstance. Normally, when puffler is revealed, fish will fly to frosting where some of puffler body is hidden. But After update of Royal Championship, it doesn't. Instead, it flies to the body of puffler which is revealed. I totally does not understand. (picture below) If…
Background Stage ERROR
I have read some discussions about backgound glitch. And yeah. They are bored when they keep repeating. And me too. They said background in level area is always repeated while it is not the same as episode they are staying. And I recognized it very soon, in May 2019. And I did sent my feedback to the team and they ignored…