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Dear Jelly Crew
This morning this spontaneous thought occurred to me and I would like to start this survey.
It's about the level map, your own level. No RC !!!
How is it for you do you like the Duels ย (Liquorice Larry and Queen Battles) in your own level: yes or no!
I would like to know.
๐ Please the list! thanks ๐
@jolajaha @sannm @KjartanThor @sipc @pmavis @2much @DawnScott12 @tassies @ball1223 @Alyse_Mac @sassysugar @Zarrar @Tracydawn @bornfree68 ย @codywb01ย @samsimpson945ย ย @bluebengiย @PattyRaeย @tarynhunley @Dadderdanei @Fire_Chicken @Tina2666 @rihamamara @GOZ195 @samsimpson945 @bluebengi @betterzx202119 @WellThen187 @LilMomma @csully77 @Katsash28s @Tara0728 @mikkii58 @chaz1986 @kklove187 @monte5022 @lakiere @MrsJones39 @jackson64 @maddytwinkybear @applehead565 @johan1082010 @shuttliz1974 @phenomwoman @DragonTattoo @wotruba17 @Fynness @LuanaBoraiko @Rolanddave69 @triciared23 @MaybeLike @tonyalh @vickiwomack1966 @Sandra49 @Ahmedmanal @benno100 @kharris2008 @Edrean_Ausby @Farahred @valariepryor @alvarado098721 @RRM71472 @daniel684 @Shelby2008 @wjbarlow @maaria1179 @rudyangee @Godsvessal @pelletier93 @dimples34 @kclancy @legendaryrose72 @Kompis @skynskull @divawho @Dunn @ja420 @KJ110518 @donnakessler @RobinCorte @tarin98 @Amy_Hindman @ninjachic75 @peturnea @Scott93 @fabulouskiki @caambuj @anita55 @Marcella_UX @JaVo_eL_GaTo @Alecsandra @jjac272903 @lilronnie79@DeepshikhaSharan @Mrs_Leavens1991
I love the duels on the main card, whether against Larry, Carl or the Queen.ย
Every time I win a duel, a chest of gifts opens. I also find it exciting. I know they are computer characters and I want to find out how I can defeat the developers of the characters. So a clear yes from me.