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Jenny and Tiffi have a FaceTime chat

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited July 2022 in Off-topic

Jenny doesn’t realize that it’s the 4th of July weekend that’s only celebrated in the USA. Although they all live in different worlds Jenny remembers that Elsa lives in the USA. She hopes that the town has fireworks because she really enjoys watching how they explode.

“I wonder if Tiffi asked Elsa to join them,” Jenny thinks to herself. “Maybe I should give Tiffi a call to ask her. Then we can also celebrate the 4th of July during the weekend too.”

Jenny goes into the kitchen to get something to eat and as she reaches for a plate in the cabinet her phone rings. It’s Tiffi facetiming her.

“Hey Tiffi, I’m glad that you called,” Jenny says. “I didn’t realize that it’s the 4th of July this coming weekend in the USA. I was wondering if you included Elsa to join us. I know that she would love to do some fireworks with us. She must miss not living in the USA anymore.”

“Hmmmmmm, that’s a good idea,” says Tiffi. “I’ll give her a call to ask her if she’d like to join us. When are you leaving?”

Jenny tells Tiffi that they are planning to leave first thing tomorrow morning which will give them all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday to be together. They say their goodbyes but before they hang up Tiffi tells Jenny that she’s going to contact Elsa right now.

Jenny has no clue why the 4th of July is celebrated in the USA so she will have to do a Google search to read the history behind the holiday.  But first she has to finish eating and cleaning up the kitchen. Now it’s time to do some googling!   

Aha! She thinks that she found a good article to read.

‘What is the 4th of July, anyway? July 4th (also known as Independence Day) is an American holiday celebrated annually.

You may wonder, “Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What does it mean?” Well, this day is incredibly significant in American history, as it marks the day the United States officially became its own nation. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776—and thus, America was born. American citizens celebrate America’s birthday with festivals, parades, fireworks, barbecues, sparklers, and other festive activities.

Which country did we declare our independence from?

America declared its independence from Great Britain. In order to fully understand the significance of Independence Day and what happened in 1776, we need to go back in history a bit. Before America was its own country, it was comprised of 13 colonies established by Great Britain. The first colony was settled in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. European countries, especially Great Britain, continued to colonize America throughout the 17th century and a good portion of the 18th century. By 1775, an estimated 2.5 million settlers lived in the 13 colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.’ (Source)


Just then her phone rings and it’s Tiffi calling her back to let her know that Elsa is going to join them. Jenny tells her that she was just reading a bit on why Americans celebrate the holiday. They both get very excited and Tiffi says that she’s going to check out if she can get some sparklers for that day. 

Continue reading - Jenny and Yeti leave to visit their friends

Start at the beginning – Once upon a time in the Cotton Clouds ………….

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