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Princess_Jessica Posts: 9,676
edited November 2024 in Discussions

Hello Jellies 💀

Halloween is fastly approaching 🎃

Happy Halloween to all my sweet Jelly friends 👻

You want to earn a Halloween badge?

Simply answer some questions 😈

  1. What is your first Halloween memory?
  2. What was your favorite costume as a child?
  3. What was your favorite candy?
  4. Last question! What are your plans for Halloween?

You can share a gif or meme with your answer if you want 💀🍭🍫

Answer these questions and earn this beautiful badge created by our lovely @Snow_Rider 🎃

My plans for Halloween is to dress up and hand out candy to all the little kiddos 👻

I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween 🎃

We here at Jelly Myself, @johamiltonand @Snow_Rider want to wish you a spooky spectacular Halloween 😈



  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,252
    1. Be uns war halloween früher nicht so bekannt.
    2. Als Kind feierten wir es nicht
    3. Ein schoko riegel. Milky Way war als Kind mein Favorit
    4. Mit der Familie zusammen verbringen
  • Ibnana
    Ibnana Posts: 201

    1. What is your first Halloween memory? Watching scary movies
    2. What was your favorite costume as a child? Witch
    3. What was your favorite candy? Payday candy bar
    4. Last question! What are your plans for Halloween? Watch scary movies
  • Ibnana
    Ibnana Posts: 201

    watching scary movies

    a witch

    caramel popcorn balls

    watcharch scary movies

    my answers @Princess_Jessica (the message police keep taking my comments)

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542

    Hi @Princess_Jessica, thanks for the tag.

    Many years ago I created some fun things for the community members and since this is my all time favorite holiday I want to share a very old message that I created. HERE is the link for Jelly Queen's Recipes and Food Facts for this holiday.

    Now I'll tell you personal things …………………………

    Instead of my first Halloween memory, I'd like to share with you my first grandchild's Halloween. He was 1 1/2 years old and my daughter-in-law and I took him out trick or treating. It's fun to go with your children but it's totally awesome to go with the grandchildren. It was soooo hot that day that we had to take off all the outer fall clothing on him and he was walking around in a onsie. I just heard that this Thursday is going to be a hot day, 80F which is exactly what the temperature was when we took him out for his first Halloween.

    I'm too old to even think of what my favorite costume was as a child. Costumes today are much different than when I was young. We only used a face mask and a fabric onsie that fit over our clothes, similar to what the girl on the left is wearing.

    My favorite candy always was and still is chocolate!

    I don't have plans for Halloween because my grandchildren are all in their late teens, early 20s. I live in a retirement community so kids don't come here to trick or treat. So I'll just be watching TV and remembering the old days of when I walked with my grandchildren in their communities.

    Happy Halloween to all!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited October 2024

    I just typed out a long message and clicked to post and it's not showing up here. Is it Vanilla again? Since this posted I'll just retype what I sent in my first message here.

    I created several Halloween messages here for the community members and I'm going to give you the link for Jelly Queen's Food Facts & Recipes.

    I don't have any plans for Thursday because my grandchildren are in their late teens, early 20s. My favorite Halloween memory is when my daughter-in-law and I took my first grandson trick or treating when he was 1 1/2 years old. It was so hot that day, in the 80s, that she had to strip him down to a onsie. I heard that this Thursday it's going to be in the 80s again and that's the first time since we took him out that it's hot again.

  • sudejo
    sudejo Posts: 1,666
    edited October 2024

    As we didn't celebrate Halloween until a few years ago in The Netherlands, so it is hard to answer all the questions.

    Being an exchange student I 'celebrated' Halloween for the first but also for the last time.

    I would have liked to be a witch.

    Something of chocolate

    My plans are to stay at home and lit the pumpkin I made a few days ago (first time😃)

    On 11-11( St, Maarten), the kids come by the doors and get some candy or mandarines after singing a little song while they carry a lantern.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241

    Lovely thread my my friend

    The first memory that has stuck with me is when I was old enough to go trick and treating

    I loved my witches outfit

    My favorite candy was the jellys they was in all different character shapes

    My plans are to go the local village pub for music fancy dress contests for the children to enjoy and lots of games 💓

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,938

    Hi @Princess_Jessica

    1. We have a similar celebration period without pumpkins and scary things in my country
    2. A cowboy costume
    3. Chocolate candy bars
    4. To be with my familt
  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,565
    edited October 2024

    Schöne Diskussion.
    Was ist Ihre erste Halloween-Erinnerung?
    Meine erste Halloween-Erinnerung ist erst ein paar Jahre alt. Wir haben früher Halloween nicht gefeiert, es ist erst vor einigen Jahren publik geworden. Die Erinnerung ist, das meine Enkeltochter in der Kita / Kindertagesstätte Halloween gefeiert hat und als Fledermaus verkleidet war. Am Nachmittag ist die ganze Gruppe Kinder unterwegs gewesen und hat an allen Türen geklingelt und "Süßes oder Saures" gespielt.
    Was war als Kind Ihr Lieblingskostüm?
    Als ich Kind war, haben wir kein Halloween gefeiert. Aber am 11.11. ging die Karnevalsaison los und ich war als bunter Schmetterling verkleidet.
    Was war deine Lieblingssüßigkeit?
    Als Kind war es Nougatschokolade. Heute bevorzuge ich Kokosgebäck und Fruchtbonbons.
    Letzte Frage! Was hast du für Halloween vor?
    Ich habe noch keine genauen Pläne. Wahrscheinlich mit den Nachbarn feiern.

This discussion has been closed.

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