Royal Championship - What do you think?
Hello and why smiling in your head???
you can put a smile on your face 😃😃😃
I was wondering where is @NikolaosProdromidis in all this discussions? Maybe playing as a bot!!! 🤪🤪🤪
Good day to our community!
Yes @Allouna76 , you're right, I was playing as a "bot" 🤖, this time as a frog! 🐸
It took me a long time to play all these matches on "star" level and then make this collage:
O.K. there is an evolution! On my 9th attempt, I "touched" the chest!! 😄😄
Something has been turned wrong in RC, just after the "test of boosters loading faster / feedback" a few months ago! 🙄
Does anyone remember when the internet issues started? Maybe the same time, or not? 🤔
Waht the tick-tick!!!
After all of this don't get any solutions of those problems and I know that the cheat studio doesn't care about those complain. But, at least I achieved something...Got famous...What an achievement... So, do more complain and get famous... That's the shortcut to being it...
That's so kind of you community... After all of this you made me famous...hAhA...
Don't worry and don't frustrated... They are trying so hard with all their efforts... Believe me... They are so sorry for delaying... They are trying so hard like a pussy cat tries to fly on the sky... When you can see cats are flying above the sky you can be sure of that they implemented all of our suggestions and solved all of those problems...
So, be patient and don't lose your hope... One day we will say cats are flying on the sky and chasing mouse...
But who knows when mouse will learn to fly... May be some day...
So, keep your patience!!!
Congratulations!! You got a reward!! Haha ( I am laughing with you my friend!😄) @Krishnopakkho
“Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away. ― Benjamin Franklin”
I am so glad this achievement/badge (even do is an automated thing) also gave you a good reason to laugh after all the stressful moments that you are experiencing with the RC game.
Best of luck to you!