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Arenas: tips, hints, ideas, screenshots and more!



  • Today I can tell it again! It is extremely hard to win on Arena 5, witthout a powerful hammer! Mostly if you play against bots!

    On the other hand, Studio gives us only a few striped or wrapped hammers in chests and we dont know which arena comes next to make a suitable choice........

    Making all boosters unlimited could resolve this problem, not all of them together, in 2 groups, as it was back in Spring 2020! πŸ˜‰

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited July 2021

    It is time to discuss a little about Arena 15!

    It is a very "crazy" board!

    You can win easily, as easily you can loose!

    My idea 'till now is that this board is based mostly on luck and candydropping! I cannot think of any strategy or something, except two factors:

    • Play as low as possible to have the most possible candydropping!
    • Going on further, play on the middle as more as possible, "stealing" your opponent's colored area in the middle!

    There is no certain strategy and there is a possibility of creating accidentally colorbomb or other special candies in the common area to advance your opponent!

    If anyone has some idea or strategy, is welcome to discuss about!

    @headoperations @NamTruong2001

    @ClarenceBeaks @hechicerilla

    @95chata @Lady_Sarina

  • ClarenceBeaks
    ClarenceBeaks Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis and my jelly friends

    For me Arena 15 is all about the top of the board. Two priorities:

    1. Try to break the two cupcakes at the top and then spread your jelly across the top middle. From there break below and jelly will spread.
    2. Try to block the opponent doing the above. When players start playing the bottom I try to get a cage in on the candy that is adjacent to the highest two cupcakes. Doing this really slows down the opponent and if you've got across to the middle as described in 1 you will win the game.

    It's a tough board to get a perfect score on.

  • @ClarenceBeaks thanks for your response!

    I will try this to see the results! πŸ˜€

    Your tips for Arena 11 were also very helpful!

    I thank you on behalf of all Jelly friends! πŸ™‚

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,415

    That board is really hard. If you make red or cyan candy with 2-layered jelly cubes, some candies won't be counted.

    And yeah, breaking the cupcakes at the top is the way to free space quickly.

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    Hi @NikolaosProdromidis and @ClarenceBeaks

    I played a match today Arena 15. I followed your recommendations and I lost 😞 The problem is that if the Studio continue favoring green opponents with showers of candies from the sky and everywhere in their side, we won’t have any chances to win. It’s crazy how they helps the bots! πŸ€–

    Maybe this is a good opportunity to ask Eliodeb the Jelly Saga developer now that he is taking questions from us in the other section here. And ask him why? about all the issues with RC that we have been experiencing for almost two years now and that they haven’t fix yet. πŸ€”

    Good luck with Arena 15. We are going to need it unless we use our limited powerful boosters or play unlimited which mean spending a lots of GB. πŸ€

  • @95chata , following the tips does not mean that you have a method for winning all the time!

    Always there are going to be opponents with candy showers, multiple colorbombs, crazy cagers etc

    Following the tips means that you have better percentage of wins on a certain arena!

    This can be obvious after many matches, it needs time to understand that really works! πŸ˜‰

  • 95chata
    95chata Posts: 833

    @NikolaosProdromidis First of all, I want to apologize for any misunderstanding.

    I am in no way blaming your methods/tips for losing the match yesterday. I know and I appreciate your kindness when trying to help us with excellent tips so we can get better results if we apply them to the game play. πŸ‘πŸΌ I am blaming the Studio for using their ugly methods by helping the green opponents to win most of the time. I have noticed when playing against someone, that the more I make great moves toward winning, the more the Studio send the opponents lots of boosters so they can win and not necessarily because they play better than us. Since I started playing RC and after experiencing the so many issues that this game has, I have the crazy theory that it’s the Studio the one that’s playing against us and winning most of the time. πŸ˜•

    I know for a fact that it takes time and practice to understand how some things works. And I always believed that we never stop learning in life. and that everyday is a challenge and an opportunity to learn something new. πŸ˜‰

    Thank you, πŸ™πŸ»

    Take care, 🌿

  • Nikolaos_Prodromidis
    Nikolaos_Prodromidis Posts: 6,353
    edited July 2021

    @95chata , of course there is no misunderstanding and I know that you don't blame me for anything!

    I just try to explain to all players who read this discussion and mostly new ones, that tips work well under normal circumstances!

    If you have a predetermined decision that you must loose and your opponent, human or bot, has to win, then you cannot been saved even if you use hundreds of tips! The candyshower will be the winner!

    What I said about time, it means that it needs time to see results statistically!

    The more matches you play, the best idea you can have if your method or tips works well! πŸ˜‰

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?