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Any new updates on arena being closed??



  • Kmoseley113
    Kmoseley113 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Mines been closed all week on one device, but works on the other.

  • Kmoseley113
    Kmoseley113 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Why does it work on one device but not the other? They just want you to uninstall and reinstall so you can lose all of your candies bars n purchases that you've made that's why it's only working on certain devices

  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    Reading before posting helps to navigate straight to the RC Update Discussion in "Royal" (green highlighted boxes) please & helps avoid missing comments🤗🌻🌺

  • @MooMooKD, Oh yes, I am optimist! I believe and hope that I am right! 😀

    Most of all, I have patience and can wait!! 🙂

  • Nadia1770
    Nadia1770 Posts: 867

    Who told you that "they" want you to uninstall and reinstall so you can loose all your boosters?

    It is clearly announced that uninstalling / reinstalling is not suggested, it is not an option!

    Maybe some members who did not know what to do tried this and then they shared their experience in the forum, but nobody officially suggested this!

    It is better to take care about what we say here in the forum.

  • ptozier313
    ptozier313 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    When are you going to fix the issues with the Arena bring closed? Day 5, no arena!

  • Jimini3360
    Jimini3360 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    Its difficult for someone with some programming background to understand what issue

    is that difficult not to adress. Because a lot of players are able to connect,the others seem

    to be lost from that database. If you got a backup from that database would be possible

    to solve the issu by an update of the game,if its corrupt it not only takes longer but might

    be impossible. But we are told a different game might replace the lost players,so the pool

    of players no longer able to the arena is known,which sounds more like the connexion

    problem was not resolved completely. Aargh... I see a support is not enabled to tell the

    secrets of its firm. No offense taken for that, maybe some writers of the game have covid

    what do I know.

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    Hello and welcome to the King Community!

    I can’t really help, but what I do know is that they close the arena every couple days for maintenance, then they reopen the arena! I don’t know for sure though.

    Maybe @Lady_Sarina @Diamond Lim @Nikolaos_Prodromidis can help!

  • latrellsmiles
    latrellsmiles Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Are there any new updates on when the arena is going to be open?

  • doggos_love4
    doggos_love4 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    The last update regarding the arena being closed was two days ago, and that didn't tell me anything about when the issue will be fixed or haw long it will take. I'd really like a current update, as the only part of this game I actually enjoy anymore is the arena. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only player that feels this way. Apologies for sounding so negative. I'm just truly frustrated and close to just uninstalling and leaving it that way 😔

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?