The Middle Play Area (The Gray Zone)
@NatalieG, yes opponent benefits, mostly if you play second, because all "accidentally" created special candies popup on the left! ๐
So, if you play first it is going to popup on the far left, deep in your own area!!
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@Nikolaos_Prodromidis, I think that this practice is not fair!
It could be better if colorbombs and other special candies popup in the middle, at the place where they are being created.
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O.K., the "accidentally" created colorbomb poppedup on the far left, as it supposed to be, but there were some coincidences!
- My opponent was playing 2nd, so the cb appeared in the "grey" zone!
- It appeared just beside the striped candy!
- My opponent had one move more, so I did not advanced by this, as usually happens when I create cbs "accidentally" in the gray zone!
My opponent won!
Two years ago we would be discussing here in the forum and saying that "this was a bot"! ๐๐๐ป
We know now that bots do not exist in the game, but this "lucky" situations make us disappointed, if they mostly happen on the opponent's favor!
I don't know if this situations could be avoided, so that we could play according to our skills!!
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Yes, it truly is unfortunate and you are correct in saying that it is where it should be. I cringe any time I create one by an unfortunate circumstance, and usually my opponent benefits the most from it, but sometimes it's in your favor, whether you created it or your opponent created it for you. I can't remember what Arena this is, but I cringe when it's in play in any tournament. It is so happenstance, anything can cause chaos in this Arena. A fish and striped candy can clear the entire middle.
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Arena 15!!!
Or Arena 10!! (only reaching the matche's end!)
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No, it's the dreaded Arena 3, the same one you posted about previously. Sorry I didn't recognize it because I truly cringe when I see it.
That is the most circumstantial Arena of all the Arenas in place. You can be ahead in this Arena and your opponent can get a fish and striped candy and wipe out the entire middle when it's open. I am not saying that I lose all the time here, but the Arena is so unpredictable. If I never play this Arena again, it will be too soon! ๐๐ This is one I'd like to be replaced!
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Yes, @NatalieG, this Arena is unpredictable because it is very "vulnerable" to the following combinations:
- Fish + Striped Candy
- Fish + Wrapped Candy
- Two Fish
but mostly if they are followed by cascades (it is very usual!)
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You are ever so right! When I play this Arena I always know it can go either way! Like I said before, you can be ahead of your opponent and think you're going to win, then all of a sudden your opponent in one move can wipe all your Jelly away! It's like you didn't even spread any Jelly at all.
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I feel you on this. I lose way more than I win when I play this Arena! I am going to look in the Arena Hints to see if there is a strategy to play this Arena. I wonder is there some strategy for this because of the happenstance of how any sort of thing can happen in this Arena.