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"I can't pass this level"



  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717

    ohamilton I'm pass playing Level 7671 Over 400 times.😡 Did you know when you make a stripe candy or a wrapped one. It doesn't stay in the play where you make it. It moves!😫

    I'm going to play nice and check out the soda one. But this 22 moves thing is crazy! Why don't someone come through and fix these impossible levels????

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717

    Lets see what happens because they got stingy with giving us moves. You can't call on you team to help. I mean the list is so long…..

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,767

    Nun, ich hatte über ein Jahr lang nicht gespielt, weil ich keine Zeit hatte. Ich war kurz vor dem Ende meiner beruflichen Laufbahn und bin in eine andere Stadt gezogen — das ist "nur" die Einleitung.

    Als ich wieder angefangen hatte zu spielen, bemerkte ich viele Fehler und habe sie gemeldet. Fehler 1 war, das es keine "Mystery Chests" mehr gab und wenn ja, nur eine mit Fischen alle 48 Stunden. An die anderen Fehler kann ich mich nicht mehr erinnern. 🤦‍♀️

    Als die Fehler korrigiert wurden, fing ich wieder an zu spielen und war nach 2 Wochen wieder am Ende der Karte. Ich hatte viele Jahre Werbung im Spiel bis zum letzten update, wo angekündigt wurde, das es einen Rückkehrbonus gibt. Dieser ist nicht relevant für mich, da ich am Ende der Karte bin. Seltsamerweise verschwand gleichzeitig die Werbung aus meinem Spiel. Die Antwort auf meine Beschwerde war: es werden A/B-Tests durchgeführt. 😮

    Mein Fazit: Mit jeder Neuerung im Spiel werden alte und liebgewonnene Funktionen entfernt. Treue Spieler werden nicht belohnt. Möglicherweise höre ich wieder auf und warte ab, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt. Vielleicht profitiere ich dann auch vom "Rückkehrbonus" oder was auch immer aktuell angeboten wird. 😁

    In anderen Spielen hat es funktioniert. Ich habe einige King-Spiele über 2 Jahre lang nicht gespielt (nur den Tagesbonus abgeholt). Jetzt bekomme ich dort plötzlich Werbung. Sehr seltsam. 😂 Nun, ihr könnt euch sicher denken, das ich diese Spiele momentan bevorzuge. Bis zum nächsten A/B-Test, wo auch immer er stattfindet. 😀

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717

    DieOmimi A overwhelming number of complaints have come in not just on Jelly saga but all of King Candy crush games. When I reported them, I was labeled a troublemaker, Now that there are so many people leaving and reporting, they are supposed to be taking action.

    Personally I haven't seen it yet. I'm still on that level 7671. Over 400 times. They just don't give you enough turns once you hit 6000. They put out these levels without trying them. My level there is NO WAY you can do it in 22 moves. The whole entire edge is left all around. I would need the two bombs to be put together 3 times, stripe and wrapped candy at least 5 times the fish to do their job and possibly some gold bars at the end. OR if the teammates come in like they are suppose to. Then I could win at this level with 22 moves.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429
    edited April 2024

    I had thought about it. It's strange that a
    different game is made from Jelly. You have too many blockers with many
    layers. It looks like you should dismantle towers - layer by layer.
    It has nothing to do with Jelly anymore. Even the advertisements offer
    many games to install. Actually doesn't make a good impression for
    King. One has the feeling that the king games are coming to an end.
    Since I was repeatedly offered a certain game, I downloaded it too.
    It's not a king game.
    Even the ideas area is not looked into. An idea was posted by @_Elsa_
    years ago. New blocker with new game mode .This would have been interesting and would add momentum.


  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717
  • redoit2000
    redoit2000 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I’m on level 7707 and yet another one that’s impossible to pass with the number of moves provided. Almost all of the recent levels require you to purchase gold bars to finish them and that seems to be the new aim of the creators - to get more money. While I’ve done that a few times, I will not any longer. The game has been ruined and that’s too bad.

  • Cat-13
    Cat-13 Posts: 717
    edited April 2024

    I'm still on Level 7671. Playing it now. It still has the same problems. Not to mention only 22 moves. Even If I had gold bars, This level need so many bombs, striped and wrapped candies just to make a dent before I use gold bars .johamilton you said it would be fixed. It's not.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Cat

    The level has now been optimized. I was thinking about whether I would
    go into the game or not and whether I would just get the daily bonus.
    I saw this new card. They also covered the levels in colors again.
    The level has been optimized and you can play it well.
    I hadn't taken any boosters or GB.

    Thanks for passing it on to ddie Mods and CM.

    @johamilton @Princess_Jessica @Snow_Rider

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Please update your game and clear the cache. That would help!!!
    Good luck

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