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I haven't received any lives for a month now. I'm still on this stupid infamous Level 7784. Not enough chocolate. or orange or time. I mean 21 moves for 10 monkies?
Thank you for sharing I have reported again about the moves I'm still awaiting a answer 🤗
I also reported your level so maybe it can be tweaked a little to make it better 😊
I'm still on the infamus level. It's just impossible.
I know you are working hard but here is a player who complaint in 2020. (Just letting you know I couldn't post the picture here. It wouldn't let me.) Here we are 2024. And nothing has been done. I'm still on the infamous level. No matter how hard you guys are trying. I just think King doesn't care. about the players or you guys which are working so hard to keep the players happy. You have a really hard job! @Princess_Jessica @johamilton @Snow_Rider
https://gpt.mail.yahoo.net/sandbox?client=aolMail&version=0.1&ymreqid=d41d8cd9-8f00-b204-1c55-3f0000018e00&haq=1#config=%7B%22positions%22%3A%5B%7B%22adUnitPath%22%3A%22%2F22888152279%2Fus%2Faolmail%2Fwebmail%2Fdt%2Fus_aolmail_webmail_dt_as_top_right_d%22%2C%22adLocation%22%3A%22as_top_right_d%22%2C%22size%22%3A%5B160%2C600%5D%2C%22div%22%3A%22Slot160_600%22%2C%22positionUnits%22%3A%5B%22SKY%22%5D%7D%5D%2C%22pageUrl%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fmail.aol.com%22%2C%22yahooPrebid%22%3Atrue%2C%22npa%22%3Afalse%2C%22limited%22%3Afalse%2C%22PPId%22%3A%22792d757250655a30684732754b74764f6c784f3967674d4b4461327036335f616b4f58306e584e7470516b6a2e6a5157517343672d2d2d41%22%2C%22adStackingV2Enabled%22%3Atrue%2C%22geoCountryCode%22%3A%22US%22%2C%22tosCountryCode%22%3A%22us%22%2C%22targetingConfig%22%3A%7B%22colo%22%3A%22bf1%22%2C%22lu%22%3A%221%22%2C%22device%22%3A%22desktop%22%2C%22region%22%3A%22us%22%2C%22lang%22%3A%22en-US%22%2C%22partner%22%3A%22aol%22%2C%22spaceId%22%3A%22972825030%22%2C%22adLocation%22%3A%22top_right%22%2C%22AXId%22%3A%22y-urPeZ0hG2uKtvOlxO9ggMKDa2p63_akOX0nXNtpQkj.jQWQsCg---A%22%2C%22age%22%3A%220%22%2C%22gender%22%3A%221%22%7D%2C%22headerBidderConfig%22%3A%7B%22buckets%22%3A%5B%22aol_pushnotifications_ramp%22%5D%2C%22cobrand%22%3A%22aol%22%2C%22dv360%22%3A%22eS1yZkRIZVd0RTJ1R2E3bHh5bUtEN0llX1JPWVI3Lk5jU2Eweno2Nk93dHhmNGVmbWN5aUxWYjRMbEE4UkxscUNlaFI3Z35B%22%7D%7DHi @Cat-13, this link is not working! (at least on my computer.)
Yes I saw. It won't let me copy and paste . Or put in. Which I find interesting. But if you goggle about complaints on Jelly you will find it. Other players have really been taking it to the internet.☹️ I just wish King cared enough about it's players. Soon they will block or shut down all these threads I'm afraid.. Am I still stuck on Level 7784? Yes. Do they care? No. If they did , they would make sure the game is win worthy first BEFORE putting it on the board. I no longer get free lives. I also wish they would care about their moderators. For they are taking the brunt of the fire.🤔 @Princess_Jessica @johamilton @Spinnifix @ElenaVorona @Snow_Rider
Hi Cat, I have got a reply.
our Level Designer confirmed that levels in CCJS usually have around 21-25 moves. They are designed this way to ensure players can win levels. If we notice that levels are too tricky, we typically tweak them. Some levels, of course, might be more challenging than others, but having challenging levels is part of the gameplay. Level 7784 looks fine on our end, so it won't be tweaked.
Please be patient I have saw that players have passed this level so I know it is doable. Watch videos get tips and be patient you will do it 😍
The level isn't fine, Players complained about this level BEFORE I got here. And they said it had to be privately fixed for them..😡 This on purpose because I've complained about the level with others. There is no way over two weeks of being with this level I can win. Also you banning my post from showing players complaining about Jelly since 2020. Also the CEO was mad I posted about who to contact.😡 So this mean players… they can tweak it so you can win IF THEY WANT TO> Get it NOW????? @Spinnifix @johamilton @ElenaVorona @Snow_Rider @Nikolaos_Prodromidis
NOTE TO PLAYERS: Don't complain because they will make sure you will NEVER get off a DIFFICULT level unless they are ready to Tweak it for you.🤬
I know your frustrations and I can try to report this level again to see if they can please check it to make sure it's ok. I don't care to keep reporting if needed 🤗
You are saying the right words. Thank you.
But now @Snow_Rider will come here and close this topic, because your post does not correspond to the stated topic.))))))) Recently this happened with another topic.
If @Snow_Rider does not close this topic, then I don’t understand why some topics with non-core discussion are closed, while other topics are not closed.
I don't want this topic to be closed (!). But I want to understand the logic behind the Community Manager when he/she closes topics or doesn't close them. Moreover, the violations of the rules in these topics are the same.