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login Problems with Contaminated profiles

DRW100 Posts: 2 Newbie
Having tried support directly I have come to the Community as suggested after disconnecting my facebook profile. The question I asked was as follows:-

My wife and I both have accounts with King using different email addresses and we have had no problems in the past both playing and recording our progress. On Saturday morning my wife opened CC Jelly and found herself at the same level as me (505) where the previous day she had been around 340. She asked me about it and when I opened Candy Crush Soda on my tablet I had been moved to 1720 (my wife's previous level) whereas previously I had been on around 1706. Similarly she had been moved to level 1915 on CC Saga (my level) from around 1350. I tried logging out and signing in again on our Fire 8 tablets and found that If I signed in on mine it showed her name but with my email address and similarly if I edited my profile and signed in again her device showed my name with her email address and if we changed avatars they would appear on the others account depending on who logged in last. Now we can no longer play independently of each other. I've tried resetting the profiles and changed my password but nothing has made any difference. Clearly there is some profile corruption and crossover on the server. I might also mention that I am unable to log into CC Jelly on my tablet getting "There was a connection error . Try again in a bit." but if my wife logs into CC Jelly on her tablet it shows with my avatar and my name but her email address. I hope you might be able to assist in resolving this issue.

I have since tried uninstalling all apps from all devices and then reinstalling but the problem remains!

Best Answer


  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713 Sweet Legend
    Hi @DRW100 - this maybe a complicated issue. My guess is it has to do with the progress of accounts being stored by a King server now versus remotely on devices.

    Can you please provide both user ID’s for you and your wife and I will tag the CM (community mgr) to assist further.
  • DRW100
    DRW100 Posts: 2 Newbie
    The ID for my account and the ID for my wife's account are identical when logging in with the appropriate credentials. 
  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713 Sweet Legend
    edited March 2019
    Hi @Xarly & @QueenMia Can one of you please take a look at this thread (affecting both CCF & CC Soda/Jelly). I believe that his issue might be caused by the new storage of progress. Can you assist further?

    DRW100 3:05AM
    Thanks for your response. There is clearly a problem because My ID is 5779090496 and when I login with my wife's credentials she has the same ID
  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713 Sweet Legend
    edited April 2019
    @Xarly @QueenMia @Elsa @JustPlaying - can someone review the above message from DRW100 again and try and assist. They are still experiencing this issue!! Thank you 🙏🏻 
  • JustPlaying
    JustPlaying Posts: 4,196 Level 5
    @Queenmia this sounds like the same issue I had reported before on my devices.  I gave you my ID before but did not follow up on
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,729 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Foley1362, I have seen that before!  It might happen when one doesn't completely log out of the game and before you know it they are both getting different levels.  I think the only way that it could be resolved is for one of them to create a brand new Kingdom account. 

    @DRW100,  I see that you both have the same user ID #s and that is where the problem lies!  One of you needs to create a brand new Kingdom account so that it will be a different user ID #.  Then once you have that, complete this contact form and they can manually go into that new account and get the progress back.
    Please make sure to use this topic and subtopic when completing the form.

    Once that is done, if the other user ID # has the wrong levels then do a contact form for that # and they will manually add the correct progress to that level.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,983 Community Manager
    Answer ✓
    @JustPlaying @Foley1362 thanks for reporting this, I'll take care of it 🛠 😉

    @DRW100 I'll send you a private message with the details that I need in order to get you and your wife back on track!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?