Go to your Google account, or whatever you use on your device to connect to pay for game purchases. It's in those settings that you have to update your credit card info. After that it will work again. It's not here within the games you change it. I had to update my info back in July, so I know.
Wait.. additional question to my question just above. Will Kimmy's Gone Fishing be rolled out along the way, to different players, because I haven't gotten that one yet? I hope the FB connection glitch didn't cause my lack of further participation in Soda Cards on top of not getting the other game.
Question. Was there only the one round of Soda Cards? I got that game, finished it on the first two days I got it. Then after a day or two it said that next round would start in 1 day and x-hours. It said that another round was coming up until the Facebook connection glitch. Then the game went away. I wonder if the FB…
Oh no, didn't see this until now. I have had several levels with 9's this month, but I can't go back and see my score in the played levels, on my tablet. Any way I can do that, or I can only use the levels I play from here until the 13th?
Losing the Chef's Hat is when you don't complete a level in the cake. Then you go to Cake 'jail', and must either complete 5 regular game levels, to gain your hat back, so you can play on the cake again, or if one of your team mates does it first, then they open the cake and release you from the Jail. This goes on until…
You can click their profile pics in your list, and then their profile will tell you if they player is currently online or offline in the game. I have noticed the names, of who I usually end up picking for my Shipmates, based on them actively being online, but also where they're from (country). So when I pick shipmates for…
Maybe this new version gives points compared to whether you get a level with 1, 2, or 3 stars. I don't have the new version (yet), but that's my first thought on what could give different points
Thanks for the info. My game currently works just fine, I just can't connect my progress to FB. Came here exactly to find out if it was a general issue, since several attempts to connect failed. Hope it's resolved soon, so I'm sure that my progress gets saved. Edit: I can open game just fine, bc I have my CCS via an app on…