I think someone mentioned this already - are they using this new fish as an excuse to reduce the number of moves on certain levels? Do they think the new fish make them easier to pass? I’ve noticed fewer moves on a few hard levels. Level 9190 now has 20 moves; up until recently it seems it had 26 moves. This is not…
I got the pop-up to accept terms & conditions, I hit accept, but nothing has appeared in my game. I assume it’s something that will start later in the week?
I’m not really a fan of this. It forces you through 3 or sometimes 4 screens, that you can’t tap to skip, wasting 10 seconds. If you have Candy Royale going add on several more seconds to get through those screens, just to get to the next level. If you have timed boosters going it’s a hindrance. It’s colourful & flashy but…
Agree. I never had the Warcraft event, I’m still on the KitKat season which is nothing more than a leaderboard event every week, which isn’t worth trying to compete. I pretty much ignore the weekly contest too. I can’t win hundreds of levels a week.
I played this level a couple of days ago & had the same problem. I have only 22 moves and the final key never dropped. After failing a couple of dozen times, the only way I passed it was getting 7 extra moves from watching ads at the end. (The ads in my game are very erratic, a lot of the time they’re not offered when I…