I agree I want my boosters this has happened to me twice already and both times I spent money to win the game so I could get those boosters how do I get reimbursed for the wasted money?
I was stuck on a level and went into that bonus mode where you get boosters for every star earned if you beat the level I had two stars and three moves left when I won and this new hero mode ruined my chances to reach the third star. I'm quitting until they fix this.
If they really did reduce the amount of beans for no other reason than to compensate for the new companions why did they take them from 250 to 40 when the old companions only cost 90 beans at most?
I don't like using companions I used my shovels a lot more now I don't have a choice on whether or not I get to use a companion and you guys greatly reduced the amount of beans that Im earning with each level so I can't afford my shovels we should have a choice whether or not we use a companion I don't like random cropsies…
You guys keep changing the game and not for the better. the new companions don't give you an option on whether or not to use them why would you take away my right to choose? and the rules behind them are confusing. Then you reduced the amount of magic beans that can be earned each level by a crazy amount (from 250 down to…