Oh I know that's borderline the cap. I had 4 hour periods where I would average 230k/hr, had I optimized a tiny bit more I could've possibly gotten it up another 10k, but that's ultra perfect peak play on good levels with boosters. In a 24 hour tournament you will not play at that efficient of a rate the entire time. In a…
While I haven't had this exact issue, I want to commend this member for posting his device and a screenshot! Too many people just say app store doesn't work....the most common recommendation is to save your account/login, then delete and reinstall the app. Or just force stop, reset data. That's the real way to refresh the…
Lol I just saw your screenshot 😂, that's the closest round in a final I've ever seen.... 1500 points. And I dunno exactly why it disappeared, usually it means you were disqualified for rule violations. IP address, multiple devices, using in game exploits....tons of possible reasons.
Sorry, I never responded to this post. You would need a LOT of screenshots or videos with times and scores in order to do the math and prove scoring irregularities..... Basically their normal rate versus a highly irregular one. Screenshots showing the level they were on when major point jumps occurred helps. Just one…
Chot was unfortunately in a country not eligible for the grand prize. Their tournament structure was vastly different as well with many more winners because the prize was only gold. Nsquared, think I saw you post a time or two. So were you in the final 3/3, 6th overall round? Unless if you finished top 3 in the group I…
To start..…were you in the Final 3/3 round where you could actually see a passport at the top next to 1st? If you were in an invalid country and didn't play 6 rounds, you would not have seen this. You would have been given 150 gold with a 3rd place finish in an excluded country. If you are in the correct tournament and saw…
Well what you said supports my point "your posts won’t be held against you in the future as long as they follow our guidelines", and the guidelines are pretty broad. What's harmful or defamous or exploitive can sometimes be borderline. But sometimes on the same point there are people that don't even want to worry about…
Yes, known issue/complaint. Search on the forums and you'll find lots of threads on it but no definitive answer on a resolution. My take, is that bonus features offered in game, especially free ones change up a lot. I wouldn't ever expect them, but instead try to just be happy when I get them.
It's just a very broad and blanketing term and it does apply to saying negative things about the game/King too. I doubt many people care. I've been very hesitant to post here and try to be careful about what I say. Don't want to get banned and I don't want something to be held against me at a later date. Even though I…
I will say one thing, that the terms and conditions do make sharing on here seem iffy/like a trap. Several spots say that if you talk about other players or the game in any way that can be viewed as harmful/false you can get booted. I personally think there needs to be a clear update to the terms that say forum posts won't…