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No help here.

sweetie_pea Posts: 18

Level 2

I noticed a lot on this forum trying to get stats on the game not much help from players on help questions .there's very long post from people on how many people scored on certain events like the music events etc..that doesn't really matter but other than a person name Christine no one else really try to help. King said to contact this forum and I don't know why. Not a lot of players here try to answer questions. Where are the players that want to help?



  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142
    edited October 2024

    I'm going to guess I'm one of the 'long stat related posts on music events' people that you were referring to. And yeah it is what it is. I got on here initially because I just wanted to see if a mod could relay my info to a higher up. I never expected a mod to have an answer since it's a touchy situation and only the back-end crush employees can handle. Then stats just mesmerize me so I get carried away.

    Mods seem to just respond to the more straightforward requests, rest like you said falls on Christine. Maybe too many players only jump on here to ask questions versus answering them.... I dunno. Maybe people think only mods can answer questions. But yes it does seem like a select few answer the majority of the questions.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,188

    That's a good question @sweetie_pea and a valuable comment @pmin .

    A lot has changed in this community since I joined two years ago and you can see even more has changed if you look at some of those older posts from years ago. It used to be a place busy with players exchanging tips on specific levels and discussing new levels, and there were a few Moderators who helped out and engaged with players. All this has completely changed since the game got redesigned by King: The new, changed Candy Crush leaves little to discuss and most posts are now complaints, many more of them technical ones which only King can sort out, so most long standing experienced players have lost interest in the community forums and left. Moderators also seem to have left and not been replaced, leaving only two, one of which is useless, using only uses cut and paste answers which are often unhelpful, the other undoubtedly overworked.

    A few months ago a thread appeared in Discussions offering an incentive to players to help newbies in the community by paying 200 gold bars to those of us who replied to newbie posts. This to me would be an indication that the hope is for us to take over the community and not to replace the lost moderators. This has not really worked and caused some confusion and I find the concept off putting and opted out of this reward scheme as I don't want to be used or paid by King, and value my freedom of speech.

    Also I have gathered circumstantial evidence that King have tried to use chat bots to engage with players who come here just to chat with others, and I have become suspicious, wondering who is real and who is not.

    The main problem for me is that most of the problems reported by players here nowadays are technical, of which I know little and which can only be fixed by King. All we can do is suggest to players to contact Player Support and then Player Support send them an automated email sending them back here, so the system becomes circular and does not work, and is very frustrating for all. Most experienced contributors to this community have quit because of this frustration and few new ones are likely to come forward while the game is so full of problems we cannot fix with advice alone.

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    Yes, technical support questions being posted in 'discussions' seems to be an issue, causing the purpose of the boards to be somewhat vague for someone first looking as well. Even though there is a 'support' tab, people still post issues like missing purchases or game crashing wherever they want. Even bombarding candy crush social media pages as well, when it does nothing. I know I'm hesitant to answer tech questions since it can require me needing more information from the other person.

    As for discussions, you can't blame King for not especially wanting players to discuss strategies or go into depth about the inner workings of the app. Strategies can quickly snowball into exploits, then players complain about other players using these in tourneys, then if the style of play isn't allowed and they're on the boards why weren't the posts removed? And so on… Plus if a game relies on in-app purchases, sharing ways to get around this is also something they wouldn't want. On reddit there are a lot of nefarious posts about people explicitly trying to defeat game rules, then abusive trolls bashing anyone that says it's unfair play. King definitely doesn't want this board becoming that.

    But back to the original topic....people don't need to be experts to reply on here. I just overall think it's more viewed as a 'customer support' place versus a player forum now.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,188

    Yeah, it's definitely true that this has become a customer support forum as opposed to a player forum or a fan forum, which it used to be. That's part of the problem caused by Player Support sending them to us. There are a lot of posts from people thinking we are King and that this is the place to contact King, that's really annoying, people posting here who think we are all King employees and blaming us for what's wrong with the game.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222
    edited October 2024

    You are right @sweetie_pea there don't seem to be as many players answering questions as there used to be but as Christine said, many of the post now are problems only King can deal with. Also many of us don't get a lot of the side games so are unable to join in discussions on how they are going and with regard statistics. You have been in the Community for over a year so hopefully would have seen many posts that have been answered helping others, hopefully you will be able to join in as an experienced player and Community member 🙂

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,188

    That is a good point you have made there @Carol-38 about the fact that since we all get different events now we cannot always join in the discussions about them. Yes, that is likely another factor killing off this community. It breeds discontent and envy as well, quite naturally, especially the ads issue. There is just nothing helpful we can ever say to all those players complaining they get no help from ads!

    But there have been a few improvements as well, notably the automatic translation system, which has allowed so many more players to join the community and allowed us to answer those posts.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    At least with something like Pot of Gold @christinewupp (just taking that as an example) a lot joined in. Even if it was just to ask why some had to collect more candies or why some were getting more gold than others. And many asking why they hadn't received their gold bars. At least it was something we could all join in with. I for one am really not bothered about not getting side games that involve Leaderboards, can't stand them, but I'm sure there are many who would like to get them that don't. Yes posts about adverts seems to be growing and I'll always answer them simply because someone has bothered to post and ask, and I feel they deserve an answer. Yes the translation has been a great help, so much better than posts being closed because it wasn't in English. Think @Rhonda_L had a part to play in that, good suggestion 👍

    I'm sure many still read through the posts often but there really isn't an awful lot to join in with 😕

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,188
    edited October 2024

    On a similar note, Carol, what nonsense is that New York only thing that QueenB has posted about at the top? How do they expect any of us to join in events that only include players in New York City? As far as I can see not a single player has posted they will attend, though over 600 have read the post. No surprises there. It's a bit of a long way for us all to travel….

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222

    I did see it @christinewupp and I'm not sure I would rush to it even if it was easy to get to. Mind you if they also said there were free cheese and wine tasting stalls dotted about, I might be persuaded 🧀🍷🍾

  • pmin
    pmin Posts: 142

    I will say one thing, that the terms and conditions do make sharing on here seem iffy/like a trap. Several spots say that if you talk about other players or the game in any way that can be viewed as harmful/false you can get booted. I personally think there needs to be a clear update to the terms that say forum posts won't be held against players but can be moderated. Since we are told to come here with abuse and game complaints regularly by customer service.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?