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Level 7587



  • kempjc
    kempjc Posts: 2 Newbie

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions I’ve tried everything and still not moving me on 😔

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @kempjc Hi and welcome, This has been passed on to the game team so hopefully this will get looked into. Strange one as some people are progressing and then replaying and all ok, but others like you not progressing at all. All i can suggest why we are waiting for news is to keep trying and hopefully it may register correctly

    Thank you

  • kempjc
    kempjc Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hi Freddy

    Thanks for your comments. I have just replayed the game, yet again, and passed it and this time I have been move on 😱. Only got one star though, but at least I can continue :)

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @kempjc Hi, thats good to know as seems this is getting a lot of people.

  • suraj001
    suraj001 Posts: 1 Newbie

    So much brain, what should everyone do to get their game right? The problem has been in playing this game for so many years, not in us that we did not play our game properly and it stuck

  • urbi
    urbi Posts: 1 Newbie

    My avatar is blocked at level 7587.

    After restarted app, i always the same problem, it's impossible to continue the others levels ...please help!

    I think that it's a bug ! i not alone with this problem

    thanks for your reply

  • Gailerz
    Gailerz Posts: 4 Newbie

    I’ve been playing this level for almost two days and have beat it multiple times but I don’t advance to the next level. I’ve sent a message to king about it. I’ve tried signing out and signing back in and it doesn’t help. I’ve read the other answers about finishing the episode but I can’t if I don’t get to the next level. I’m just stuck and it’s getting really annoying. Please send help! Haha

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @urbi @Gailerz This has been reported but as its the weekend we have no idea when something will be done with this, All you can do is keep doing the standard troubleshooting and make sure game is up to date and log out and restart your device then log back in.

    My suggestion is leave the game till Monday or do as many are and keep trying till it lets you continue ( do not use boosters so you do not waste them ) and hopefully it will let you progress. There was someone yesterday that had multiple attempts and it finally let them continue

    Until then we will have to be patient and await news regarding this

  • Georgia1949
    Georgia1949 Posts: 0 Newbie

    After successfully completing level 7587 twice, the game won't move to the next level

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @Georgia148 Hi and welcome, the level has been reported but as its the weekend we will need to be patient. This also happened to me and many others but seems that its not registering correctly but if you keep playing it will let me proceed on the 3rd clearance. i would keep trying this without wasting boosters to see if it will let you clear it or wait till we have some news on this

    Hope this helps

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