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Color Bomb Scoring Nerf???



  • peterbrendel
    peterbrendel Posts: 2 Newbie

    Thanks for the help!

    But wow, that is the worst approach possible towards a solution. Why wouldn't they just revert the "nerf". why are they going level by level and changing the goal. Was it really game breaking? And if it was, why would they only notice it years after launch.

  • Ramblin
    Ramblin Posts: 46 Level 2

    Wow I had no idea this crap was going on so long, what on earth is the hold up on fixing the problem. At this rate they will lose even more players as no one in their right mind can afford to PAY to progress past any level that requires a high score when the scoring system doesnt enable you to get even close to a high score (and we arent talking just 10K off a score, we are talking over a million points plus off the score required.

    This is a complete and utter mess up and I can't imagine what they were doing when they stuffed it up this "royally"

  • claytondaniels76
    claytondaniels76 Posts: 3 Newbie

    Not sure what you all are on about, but this issue (the issue I originally posted about) was fixed within a couple hours of my posting the topic.

    Maybe start a new discussion to get your issues resolved and stop blowing up this closed discussion?

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @claytondaniels76 Hi again, You were the lucky one as some people did get a fix, but its turned out more people and levels had it than originally thought. So now they are trying to repair all peoples games and all levels and the fix for these will more than likely be in a game update so keep you eye on your app store for any updates

  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308 Level 5
    edited October 2020

    Hey folks (& to the one that seems to be complaining about the complainers), good Thursday to you all.

    If the problem has been resolved for you, awesome; onwards & upwards, hope it doesn't reoccur.

    But let's try to have some empathy for those still saddled with this scoring albatross.

    For instance, the player doesn't have a dog in this fight; unless there are any similar levels in the 7900s & onwards.

    And the discussion is still open, anyone is free to reply as long as it's civil & on topic; until a moderator decides to close it up.

    If you want to become a mod (positions are always available), work your way up the food chain; or at least graduate from new bee status, then you'll be welcome to close threads like this (but you'd better have a valid reason).

    Play on, have a good time...

  • Ramblin
    Ramblin Posts: 46 Level 2

    well said @Spieler_8675309 the issue is still in my game and I dont see a fix happening anytime soon.

  • ClubSexyCool
    ClubSexyCool Posts: 4 Newbie

    Been sitting here for days now waiting for the fix. Sucks since I've been doing this since I disavowed the NFL and other Pro Sports this year. If it's not fixed soon gonna have to try something else.

  • NamTruong2001
    NamTruong2001 Posts: 4,281 Level 5

    Hello, I have also met that same issue, candy bomb only gives 600 points. That's really make me mad because I can't get 3000 points like before. Now I am still stuck at 2386.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?