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Level 3
You can fix this [...] game anytime. Tired of being stuck on an easy level for 3 days.
*Edit by CM: offensive language.
Hey, yo...
Be careful about that French there (unless you're a sailor), but it doesn't offend der Spieler at all.
Gotta watch out for the bosses (CMs) about that, however (&/or narcs).
But anyway, you're still somewhere in the 6200s (apparently); which easy level are you sat on there?
I am a sailor. Just pisses me of that you get stuck on an easy level for 3 days.
What easy level is that?
Level 6259
Level 6259
Just look at the video & see how that player did it, YMMV; if you've got any coco wheels to spare, they'd come in handy here.
Give it another shot, sailor.
Appreciate the service...