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Why striped candies and other boosters are exploding sometimes without a reason?



  • pamster
    pamster Posts: 5

    Level 2

    There’s no use in complaining anymore..I’m only responding to this because I got an email linked to this thread...I stopped playing totally and deleted it off of all my kids phones as well..We actually paid for boosters not realizing that the game isn’t supposed to be played that way...And looking at this thread you can see the issue goes back a long time which pretty much tells you no one at King cares...You will lose booster after booster trying to get through a certain level and King does this on purpose so you will buy more! To prove that I’m telling you the truth..I’ve seen all kinds of added features recently and things that they’ve done to change the game but they leave this huge particular issue alone so that tells you that the developers know about it but laugh while you’re spending your money!

  • kcrna97
    kcrna97 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Could you please fix the bug making the candies spontaneously exploding.

  • pamster
    pamster Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Don’t even waste your time kcrna97....This issue will never be fixed..They update it with new features but never address the exploding boosters..The higher ups don’t even comment on here anymore..They want you to spend your money and buy more boosters....DON’T DO IT! This issues goes back maybe 2 years now!!

  • kcrna97
    kcrna97 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Thx Pamster! I figured as much but just thought I'd give it a shot. I won't be buying any boosters!!

  • B-2
    B-2 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    2020 still exploding for no reason!!!

    It does NOT matter what level, King developers, so stop asking for that. Seems if I match 3 candies near a colorbomb, or a stripe goes off in the row above it, or next to it, the colorbomb explodes as if it was hit... and it was definitely NOT hit.

    I do not have a recorded example of game play, but I hope someone does and will post slow motion!!!

  • B-2
    B-2 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    Dec 2020 still exploding for no reason!!! I'm on levels 7200+, It's been happening for me for almost a year that I specifically noticed this issue.

    It does NOT matter what level, King developers, so stop asking for that. Seems if I match 3 candies near a colorbomb, or a stripe goes off in the row above it, or next to it, the colorbomb explodes as if it was hit... and it was definitely NOT hit.

    I do not have a recorded example of game play, but I hope someone does and will post slow motion!!!

  • pamster
    pamster Posts: 5

    Level 2

    B-2 this will never change...As long as they can get people to keep buying boosters why should they change it? I’ve complained about it myself for almost a year and after spending money for the kids and then have them come to me and say they are already out of boosters, I decided to watch them play...Couldn’t believe what I was seeing!! EVERY LEVEL had boosters explode for no reason..As I posted before..the higher ups don’t even post on this thread anymore because they know it’s happening..They keep adding new features and changing the game but never address THAT issue...A lot of people play the game to take a break from day to day worldwide issues and they shouldn’t have to deal with this! Stay safe!

  • Salada1
    Salada1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Do you realize this question is from 2018 and this unexplained boosters exploding before you can use them us still happening today

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi @Salada1 welcome to the community! Is it certain level(s) that you see it happening? Mine has stopped but maybe it depends what levels we are at. I'm in the 11000s. Where are you?

  • CaptainJackson
    CaptainJackson Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited November 2023

    4 in a row striped candy generators keep dropping candies that fire as soon as dropped, but only sideways. Can't play the next turn because the level is stuck dropping and firing candies.

    Android phone user

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