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level 8410

anyone completed this w/o boosters

i cant even go close !! need loads of boosters

i think need a review !! sad part is first episode itself !! and i dont know when review vl b done !!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi @laxmibhandary

    Wow You are so fast . I just start playing new levels.

    Keep trying . I know you can do it

  • It's a tricky one. Stupidly on my first attempt i wasted my gold bars gambling on a few jellies to clear, which i didn't do, and then have had to sit and watch a succession of attempts where i only had one or two left to clear by the end, but not enough gold bars left to play on. Frustrating!

    Need a UFO for this one maybe, sadly the game has forgotten i had one, which is even more annoying.

  • Jodi_Perry
    Jodi_Perry Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Just when I thought I had accomplished a lot getting to level 2143 I find a post like this on my first day here :) Good luck, you can do it.

  • Abdul15
    Abdul15 Posts: 155

    This is a very difficult level and i am not going to waste any boosters on this level.

  • rafa140493
    rafa140493 Posts: 72

    Level 3

    @laxmibhandary it is a hard one, I used 6 hammers, and started with the boosters from the winning streak, but there as been levels much harder than this one.

  • Definitely the hardest level in ages. Think they need to lose one of the colours here to give players a chance. That, or add another 10 moves minimum. Or replace the outer stripe dispensers with wrappers and increase the frequency. Regardless, the current format is a load of dung.

  • Got my lucky go where it rained colour bombs and wrappers. You will be pleased to know the rest of the episode is that thing that is missing from the game these days... fun. An oversight from the developers i'm sure.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 36

    Level 3

    mine also passed w/o boosters ..

    i finished all the levels of this week .. w/o boosters ..

    8450.. done ..

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