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Level 8414 with only 28

maidenpsg Posts: 78

Level 3

Here it's the same problem as level 8408 . All players are playing with 40 moves and we have only 28 . And with Only 28 it's impossible to touch the last bar at the bottom.

May be candy cruh think that we spend money to win, but you're wrong, I NEVER give you money when you don't respect the rules, why players are playins with more mooves ? what's the interest ? If you continue to do that I think that players stop playing



  • It is up to the studio to create an equal balance of challenge and fun. If the majority of players find it extremely hard and continue with their pointless complaints this will be changed. More information on this post:

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,257

    Yes, I agree with you here, it is not particularly good to reduce the moves so much after a short time.

    The studio shouldn't make the games impossible.

    Be patient, I think it will be changed very soon.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Agreed Maidenosg. 8404 & 8414 are game quitting levels, 8404 used up 3 ufo & a hammer to complete, NOW THIS RIDICULOUS LEVEL! King have lost a paying customer here, just had enough of the extortion & rigged levels. This game is NOT fun or releases stress so imo that’s also false advertising add the extortion & I would say appropriate authority needs to look into this app & will submit a report for this. Fuming is an understatement!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12

    Level 1

    For those who are not happy at the way king have mislead the general public with false advertising & false information of levels then pls start by reporting to google directly or Apple etc. You can also put a complaint via ASA/CAP. I would suggest that the more complaints received will enforce action into the way KING finds it appropriate to mislead players & rig levels impossible unless player departs with monies!

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487

    You can pass it but... many tries or pay money

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    @maidenpsg @Timhung @deano11

    The levels of the King games are very well studied by the creators. Changes made to levels are not based on complaints from dissatisfied players. Rather the complete opposite. The changes cater to the thousands or millions of players who easily beat those levels without boosters and without paying. All the levels are created to be able to overcome them without paying anything. Of course not all of them are easy, if they were, it wouldn't be fun. There is no emotion in easy things. Regarding whether or not it is a fun and stressful game, as well as the idea that it is a hoax, these are private opinions of very few users. Luckily the vast majority of King players are satisfied with the games. The vast majority find it fun, relaxing, and not at all a hoax.

    Thank you, keep enjoying and Merry Christmas

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12

    Level 1

    Right!!!! How many have completed this level, without boosters in 28 moves? Utter nonsense!

  • Timhung
    Timhung Posts: 1,487

    No need to worry. I have reached 8540.

    Just btw, 28 moves is possible ad I can pass it (about 15 - 20 tries)

  • B-2
    B-2 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    hechicerilla - I beg to differ. A vast many peole ARE frustrated, not having fun with all the continuous perk removals, it does not relieve stress. While I wouldn't use the word hoax, I WILL use sneaky and scam!! Stragtegic placement of buttons, to have us "accidentally" use bonuses or play on. Prey on our addictions like use of "bells and whistles", feed competitiveness, when too many people advance too quickly, number of moves are reduced, and/or bonuses disappear.... It is extremely obvious that the makers are enticing as many people as possible to spend money for bonuses. Some will, and some won't, but in the meanwhile, game has changed to much less fun than when I orginally started playing. A lot of us are on the brink of quitting, just waiting for the next big sensation game to come, and it will!!!

  • maidenpsg
    maidenpsg Posts: 78

    Level 3

    Hechicerila, we have no more fun to play with this kind of level, you're absolutly wrong

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?